Here is the version 0.2 of the script
the new version
ONLY Support A450 and Possible Some DIGIC III PowerShotDue to the A450 Limit I've used the propertycase #246 for the Sv Settings and #262 for the Tv Settings.
If someone want to Implement this script to DIGIC II Powershot.
You can try Change the
set_prop 262 s
set_prop 247 z
set_sv96 s
set_tv96 z
Or change the correct propertycase number refer to the Digic II
Version Histroy
0.1 ---- initial Build
0.2 ---- I. Extended Shutter Speed supported (64s~16s & 1/2000s~1/100000s)
II. Added The Highest ISO Limit to ISO 800 (Real ISO)
III. Added The Notice Light(The ALT Button Light) (It will be Light up when needed ISO is higher than 800)
(When The Notice Light is ON mean your Photo maybe underexpose)
Tv Settings Refer to the shutter speed
Value Second
-19 64
-18 50.8
-17 40.3
-16 32
-15 25.4
-14 20
-13 16
-12 15
-11 13
-10 10
-9 8
-8 6
-7 5
-6 4
-5 3.2
-4 2.5
-3 2
-2 1.6
-1 1.3
0 1
1 0.8
2 0.6
3 0.5
4 0.4
5 0.3
6 1/4
7 1/5
8 1/6
9 1/8
10 1/10
11 1/13
12 1/15
13 1/20
14 1/25
15 1/30
16 1/40
17 1/50
18 1/60
19 1/80
20 1/100
21 1/125
22 1/160
23 1/200
24 1/250
25 1/320
26 1/400
27 1/500
28 1/640
29 1/800
30 1/1000
31 1/1250
32 1/1600
33 1/2000
34 1/2500
35 1/3200
36 1/4000
37 1/5000
38 1/6400
39 1/8000
40 1/10000
41 1/12500
42 1/16000
43 1/20000
44 1/25000
45 1/32000
46 1/40000
47 1/50000
48 1/64000
49 1/80000
50 1/100000
Here is the Script Codes
rem use A450 simulate Tv Mode
rem By MP9SIT at 20080412
@title Tv Mode
@param a Tv
@default a 0
if t=-19 then s=-576 endif
if t=-18 then s=-544 endif
if t=-17 then s=-512 endif
if t=-16 then s=-480 endif
if t=-15 then s=-448 endif
if t=-14 then s=-416 endif
if t=-13 then s=-384 endif
if t=-12 then s=-384 endif
if t=-11 then s=-352 endif
if t=-10 then s=-320 endif
if t=-9 then s=-288 endif
if t=-8 then s=-256 endif
if t=-7 then s=-224 endif
if t=-6 then s=-192 endif
if t=-5 then s=-160 endif
if t=-4 then s=-128 endif
if t=-3 then s=-96 endif
if t=-2 then s=-64 endif
if t=-1 then s=-32 endif
if t=0 then s=0 endif
if t=1 then s=32 endif
if t=2 then s=64 endif
if t=3 then s=96 endif
if t=4 then s=128 endif
if t=5 then s=160 endif
if t=6 then s=192 endif
if t=7 then s=224 endif
if t=8 then s=256 endif
if t=9 then s=288 endif
if t=10 then s=320 endif
if t=11 then s=352 endif
if t=12 then s=384 endif
if t=13 then s=416 endif
if t=14 then s=448 endif
if t=15 then s=480 endif
if t=16 then s=512 endif
if t=17 then s=544 endif
if t=18 then s=576 endif
if t=19 then s=608 endif
if t=20 then s=640 endif
if t=21 then s=672 endif
if t=22 then s=704 endif
if t=23 then s=736 endif
if t=24 then s=768 endif
if t=25 then s=800 endif
if t=26 then s=832 endif
if t=27 then s=864 endif
if t=28 then s=896 endif
if t=29 then s=928 endif
if t=30 then s=960 endif
if t=31 then s=992 endif
if t=32 then s=1021 endif
if t=33 then s=1053 endif
if t=34 then s=1088 endif
if t=35 then s=1120 endif
if t=36 then s=1152 endif
if t=37 then s=1184 endif
if t=38 then s=1216 endif
if t=39 then s=1248 endif
if t=40 then s=1280 endif
if t=41 then s=1312 endif
if t=42 then s=1344 endif
if t=43 then s=1376 endif
if t=44 then s=1408 endif
if t=45 then s=1440 endif
if t=46 then s=1472 endif
if t=47 then s=1504 endif
if t=48 then s=1536 endif
if t=49 then s=1568 endif
if t=50 then s=1600 endif
print s
press "shoot_half"
sleep 1000
get_av96 h
print "Av96:", h
get_bv96 i
print "Bv96:", i
release "shoot_half"
print "SET_Sv96:", z
if z>759 then
set_led 8 1
press "shoot_half"
sleep 1500
set_prop 262 s
set_prop 247 z
print "SET_Sv96:", z
print "SET_Tv96:", s
press "shoot_full"
release "shoot_full"
set_led 8 0
release "shoot_half"