I only keep the voltage on display, no icon to waste space. Any percentages the software can calculate can be rude guesses at best and that goes for the icon as well. Battery voltage varies primary with load as much as with capacity. I'm pretty familiar with how batteries behave so for me the voltage is way more clear indicator than an icon or percentage...
That's why I'd like the SI unit "V" letter there, to keep my brain clear that this is the battery voltage and not a part of DoF or anything else. And to put in that extra letter, one digit should be removed to prevent clutter... When a feature really does something for battery load, the voltage sinks significantly at least fast for my camera. The voltage measurement obviously isn't accurate to 4 digits either but that's not an issue here as absolute voltages aren't important, changes are and they are supposedly fairly accurate unless the last digit is all noise.
Moreover, I'd be thrilled if someone found a way to disable Canon's own low battery icon blink. It messes up my precious CHDK displays when it appears and is actually doing this half the time as it seems to be tuned for alkaline batteries instead of the (Eneloop) NiMH cells I use.
But I really don't feel strongly about this, I can perfectly well patch me a build for myself if people think the last digit is important. Maybe it is for cameras with lithium battery packs.