Here is a updated (May 8, 2008) version of the edge_overlay code.
During shoot mode half or full press it adds an overlay based on the image edges.
Use the left,right,up,down buttons to shift the overlay.
The edge overlay is frozen when you take a shot and the frozen edges are displayed from then on when you half press.
When you shoot again it goes back to the original behavior: showing the edges of the current image on half-press.
This behavior is useful when shooting stereo pairs. For panoramas you would want to freeze the edges after every full press.
This version avoids drawing when menus are displayed
This version adds a grid that matches the Canon grid.
This version corrects flaky behavior caused by multiple calls during one full-press.
// Code to test the idea of an edge overlay
// Put edge_overlay(); after the line histogram_process();
// Put the following after the line #include "motion_detector.h" in main.c
#include "gui_draw.h"
// until the edge thresh is put into conf structure I have hardcoded the threshold see "thresh" below
static char * imgbuf = 0;
#define MARGIN 30
#define EDGECOLOR 0x66
#define NSTAGES 4
#define XINC 6
#define YINC 2
#define XGRID1 120
#define XGRID2 240
#define YGRID1 80
#define YGRID2 160
void edge_overlay(){
static int inmem=0;
static int viewport_height;
static int viewport_width;// screenwidth * 3
static int viewport_size;
static int shotTaken = 0;
static int imgmem = 0;
static int ymin = 0;
static int thresh = 40;
static int xoffset = 0;
static int yoffset = 0;
static int full_press = 0;//cure for flaky behavior. due to multiple returns to the scrip during one full press
static char strbuf[7] = "Frozen";
static unsigned char *img;
int i, hi, c;
int x, y, h, v, ymax, y1, x1, y2;
char * ptrh1;
char * ptrh2;
char * ptrv1;
char * ptrv2;
char * optr;
// if(!conf.edge_thresh) return;
img = vid_get_viewport_fb();
viewport_height = vid_get_viewport_height();
viewport_width = screen_width * 3;
viewport_size = viewport_height * screen_width;
if(imgbuf == 0) imgbuf = malloc(viewport_size * 3);
if((mode_get()&MODE_MASK) != MODE_PLAY) {
if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_RIGHT)) {
xoffset -=XINC;
if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_LEFT)) {
xoffset +=XINC;
if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_DOWN)) {
yoffset -=YINC;
if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_UP)) {
yoffset +=YINC;
if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF)||kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_FULL)) {
if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_FULL) && !full_press) {
shotTaken = 1 - shotTaken;
memcpy(imgbuf,img,viewport_size * 3);
inmem = 1;
full_press = 1;
xoffset = 0;
yoffset = 0;
if(shotTaken) {
memcpy(imgbuf,img,viewport_size * 3);
inmem = 1;
xoffset = 0;
yoffset = 0;
else full_press = 0;
if (inmem && (ymin < screen_height-CALCYMARGIN)) {
ymax = ymin + (screen_height - 2 * CALCYMARGIN) / NSTAGES;
if(ymax > screen_height - CALCYMARGIN) ymax = screen_height - CALCYMARGIN;
for (y=ymin; y<ymax; y++) {
ptrh1 = imgbuf + y * viewport_width + 7;
ptrh2 = imgbuf + y * viewport_width - 5;
ptrv1 = imgbuf + (y + 1) * viewport_width + 1;
ptrv2 = imgbuf + (y - 1) * viewport_width + 1;
optr = imgbuf + y * viewport_width + 3;
for (x=12; x<(screen_width- 4) * 3; x+=6) {
h = ptrh1[x] - ptrh2[x];
if(h < 0) h = -h;
v = ptrv1[x] - ptrv2[x];
if(v < 0) v = -v;
optr[x] = h + v;
h = ptrh1[x + 3] - ptrh2[x + 3];
if(h < 0) h = -h;
v = ptrv1[x + 3] - ptrv2[x + 3];
if(v < 0) v = -v;
optr[x + 2] = h + v;
ymin += (screen_height - 2 * CALCYMARGIN) / NSTAGES;
if(inmem &&(ymin >= screen_height-CALCYMARGIN) &&
((gui_get_mode() == GUI_MODE_NONE) || (gui_get_mode() == GUI_MODE_ALT))){
// thresh = (conf.edge_thresh - 1) * 12;
for (y=MARGIN; y<screen_height-MARGIN; y++) {
y1 = y + yoffset;
if((y1 < CALCYMARGIN) || (y1 >= screen_height - CALCYMARGIN)) {
for (x=MARGIN; x < screen_width - MARGIN; x+=2) {
draw_pixel(x, y, 0);
draw_pixel(x+1, y, 0);
else {
for (x=MARGIN; x < screen_width - MARGIN; x+=2) {
x1 = x + xoffset;
if((x1 < 12) || (x1 >= screen_width-13)) {
draw_pixel(x, y, 0);
draw_pixel(x+1, y, 0);
else {
c = 0;
if(imgbuf[y1 * viewport_width + x1 * 3 + 3] > thresh)
draw_pixel(x, y, c);
c = 0;
if(imgbuf[y1 * viewport_width + x1 * 3 + 5] > thresh)
draw_pixel(x+1, y, c);
for (y2=MARGIN; y2<screen_height-MARGIN; y2++) {
if(y2 == YGRID1) for (x=MARGIN; x < screen_width - MARGIN; x++) draw_pixel(x,y2,0xff);
if(y2 == YGRID2) for (x=MARGIN; x < screen_width - MARGIN; x++) draw_pixel(x,y2,0xff);
if(shotTaken) draw_string(30, 10, strbuf, conf.osd_color);
else {
full_press = 0;
inmem = 0;
shotTaken = 0;
ymin = 0;
xoffset = 0;
yoffset = 0;
//End of edge detector code. next put edge_overlay(); after the line histogram_process();