...IMO the noob should get to CHDK that way :
First he gets easily to a "very noob to CHDK" page
He types his camera model and gets an answer as "supported" "not supported yet" "impossible"
There he gets to the firmware version check
Then he types in his firmware version and gets to the allbest files for his cam
He gets explained how to put the files
All that with the easiest versions stripped off any other way to do things that he will discover later on (or not).
In fact, I agree with you. I already think that this '
For Dummies' kind of thing is the best for a front page.
Sometimes I think I should make a french version of a CHDK starting howto, but I have to admit I don't really know how it should be dealt with on the wiki (maybe make it on an external site with a link).
PhyrePhoX and others has already discuss this multilanguage subject. I have no formed opinion about it right now.
Ops... I wasn't with my five dictionaries and 3 spell checkers all opened.

Let's think on a calling procedure... Or kinda first time wizard install process.
In fact, I believe that less info and more pictures will attract and facilitate the newbie interest and comprehension (and cause less fear).
sorry, but does <none of the above> count ?

Sorry, wim. You'll have to suggest another poll option.
Second 'ver.req' problem today !
Actually I had written - and then deleted - a request for that in
this post for you. But I thought that was begging so much.
Please, please!?
Thanks everyone for your thoughs. Let's see if we could end the selection of the most relevant topics and begin writing the
iFAQs soon.