The Newbie's FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions) research - General Chat - CHDK Forum


What's the most annoying newbie question at this forum? (please justify with a link)

Will my camera run with CHDK?
5 (19.2%)
How do I put the hack in my card?
4 (15.4%)
Which hack file do I use?
1 (3.8%)
What camera model should I buy?
3 (11.5%)
What is the best HACK?
1 (3.8%)
How do I use bracketing? What is it, anyway?
1 (3.8%)
How do I use Motion Detection? What is it, anyway?
0 (0%)
Help, please somebody make a script for me!
4 (15.4%)
Now, how do I use this script?
1 (3.8%)
Now, I have RAW!!! What do I do with this thing, anyway?
4 (15.4%)
Firmware version what!?
0 (0%)
Why the info is so messup?
1 (3.8%)
Will this CHDK thing break my cam?
1 (3.8%)

Total Members Voted: 8

The Newbie's FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions) research

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Offline intrnst

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The Newbie's FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions) research
« on: 12 / May / 2008, 22:54:26 »
(on the matter of Help making CHDK and the forum better)

What to add?
Please, don't forget to justify your vote posting a relative link!

Edited (2008-05-26): Options added.

Don't forget to go at CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps

PS:Bill, any English corrections?
« Last Edit: 28 / May / 2008, 13:37:47 by intrnst »
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps


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Re: The Newbie's FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions) research
« Reply #2 on: 13 / May / 2008, 03:43:04 »
I voted for the first 3 options...
Let me explain my vote :
IMO the thing which is easier to pick up on the wiki is "how to get started stuff" so finding the camera supported and how to put the CHDK files and stuff shouldn't require more discussions on the forums.

That been said, I understand many people arn't confident with their "technical" abilities (and they strongly believe it's much technical to load CHDK), so they ask confirmation here on the forums anyway.

Of course the wiki isn't that easy to browse through either, so it's understandable people come here so let's be tolerant with those anyway. I think a FAQ won't get the forum fully rid of those questions... Some people don't understand english so well either, I think.
Many people I told about the CHDK gave up because it seemed too hard to them.

IMO the noob should get to CHDK that way :
First he gets easily to a "very noob to CHDK" page
He types his camera model and gets an answer as "supported" "not supported yet" "impossible"
There he gets to the firmware version check
Then he types in his firmware version and gets to the allbest files for his cam
He gets explained how to put the files

All that with the easiest versions stripped off any other way to do things that he will discover later on (or not).

Sometimes I think I should make a french version of a CHDK starting howto, but I have to admit I don't really know how it should be dealt with on the wiki (maybe make it on an external site with a link).


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Re: The Newbie's FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions) research
« Reply #3 on: 13 / May / 2008, 11:55:07 »

A few:

How do I put de hack in my card?  (de=>the--unless you are being "cool" or "hip")

Now, how do use this script? (how "do I" use... or "how to" use...)

Take care Intrst!


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Re: The Newbie's FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions) research
« Reply #4 on: 13 / May / 2008, 12:12:26 »
Let's handle it with the link to WIKIA - Allbest
and WIKIA.

It's like interrupts in programming, you have to handle them the right way. :D

So the newbie side is also mentioned here ;).


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Re: The Newbie's FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions) research
« Reply #5 on: 13 / May / 2008, 12:25:46 »
sorry, but does <none of the above> count ?
Second 'ver.req' problem today !

'live' submissions here: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a (Finished) | 1.00b (Porting @ ~10%) | 1.02a (Beta 100%)
and here: S5 IS, Fw: 1.01a 1.01b

« Last Edit: 13 / May / 2008, 12:43:32 by whim »


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Re: The Newbie's FAQ (Frequent Annoying Questions) research
« Reply #6 on: 14 / May / 2008, 02:29:51 »
...IMO the noob should get to CHDK that way :
First he gets easily to a "very noob to CHDK" page
He types his camera model and gets an answer as "supported" "not supported yet" "impossible"
There he gets to the firmware version check
Then he types in his firmware version and gets to the allbest files for his cam
He gets explained how to put the files

All that with the easiest versions stripped off any other way to do things that he will discover later on (or not).
In fact, I agree with you. I already think that this 'For Dummies' kind of thing is the best for a front page.

Sometimes I think I should make a french version of a CHDK starting howto, but I have to admit I don't really know how it should be dealt with on the wiki (maybe make it on an external site with a link).
PhyrePhoX and others has already discuss this multilanguage subject. I have no formed opinion about it right now.

Ops... I wasn't with my five dictionaries and 3 spell checkers all opened. ;)

Let's think on a calling procedure... Or kinda first time wizard install process.
In fact, I believe that less info and more pictures will attract and facilitate the newbie interest and comprehension (and cause less fear).

sorry, but does <none of the above> count ?
No!   :haha
Sorry, wim. You'll have to suggest another poll option.

Second 'ver.req' problem today !
Actually I had written - and then deleted - a request for that in this post for you. But I thought that was begging so much.
Please, please!?

Thanks everyone for your thoughs. Let's see if we could end the selection of the most relevant topics and begin writing the iFAQs soon.
-- funny english, be aware -- CHDK for Dummies - The Very First Steps


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