...With the snippet of script you posted, would that help on top of having headphones plugged into the a/v jack? Or would it basically do the same thing?
I haven't tested out this, but there can be a difference (i'll figure out this the next days):
As posted above, the power consumption in record mode is higher than in play mode - the camera permanently runs with full power and calculates the life preview...in play mode the camera only refreshes the LCD display and waits for keypresses...
Probably the A/V plug disables only the LCD output, the display-off method seem to disable some of the the cameras internal processing (like in play mode), too.
But beware: if this is true, the MD (motion detection) should not work because it is based uppon the life preview / the cameras internal buffers for this.
and if it does make a difference, is the place I put my code proper for running the script? (my addition is in bold)
No, you must not use it in the delay-loop, use the 3 lines always after the shoot command and before the script runs the delay loop.
Try this one:
@title Interval Non-STOP LCD OFF SD870
rem Author - Keoeeit - fe50
rem DO NOT RUN FOR many hours OR days
rem print must be assigned TO Disp.OFF
@param a Interval (Minutes)
@default a 0
@param b Interval (Seconds)
@default b 10
@param c Interval (10th Seconds)
@default c 0
if t<100 then let t=5000
print "Interval shooting."
print "Until you interrupt it."
print "Use with caution."
sleep 1000
goto "shot"
print "Shot number", n
rem now give the camera 2s time to save the pic
sleep 1000
rem now simulate long-press to the print key...
press "print"
sleep 1000
release "print"
rem now the display should be off until the next shot
rem this is the delay loop...
sleep t
goto "shot"
This script (also attached as downloadable file "TLsd870.bas") by default do the following in an endless loop:
- take a picture
- wait 2s until it has been saved to card
- ress PRINT, hold it 1.5s, release it, now the display shuts off
- return & do the next run
There are some better scripts, but for demonstration this will do the job...use it in the manual mode with flash off.
Caution: the uBasic dialect in CHDK is case-sensitive, keep all commands in lower-case, the variables (a - z) are case-sensitive to !
*EDIT: for testing set "Interval (Seconds)" to 10 or 20 s...
*EDIT2: changed the sleep duration in the script text above from 2000/1500 to 1000/1000