A590IS Porting, who's with me? - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

A590IS Porting, who's with me?

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A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« on: 04 / September / 2008, 16:35:16 »
edit by phyrephox: the actual porting thread can be found here


I'm not able to find anything about the porting status of the A590IS.
There is a dump, but no word on development, has anyone already started porting?
Even more interesting to me is the way it's going to be ported, since it's DryOS it's pretty dificult, right?
Please correct me if i'm wrong, but as far as I understood, there is currently a version for another cam in development wich will basically show the trick and we will be able to modify it, so it works with the A590IS.
I have some programming skills and would be glad to help on this one!
Has anyone disassembled the dump propperly and is willing to share it?
Otherwise i'll start disassembling tomorrow, and share the results with you.

Kind regards Lukas

Sorry about my english i'm german!  :D
« Last Edit: 24 / October / 2008, 06:59:49 by PhyrePhoX »


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Re: A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« Reply #1 on: 04 / September / 2008, 19:21:22 »
Hi Lukas, you're right, there doesn't appear to be anyone actually working on a port for that camera.

You can probably follow the porting attempt by others like chr for the IXUS 80 IS/SD1100, as he's going through that process right now. It's a camera that is also running DryOS. So see what he is doing with that.

Also, there is a port available for the A720IS, which is a slightly higher up model of yours. So do take a look at what was done for that. It's also running DryOS.

Yes getting CHDK to work on DryOS is a little harder, but not totally impossible!


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Re: A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« Reply #2 on: 05 / September / 2008, 04:40:10 »
To my knowledge there is no one working on it. We were able to dump it using udumper 2008 but no one had the necessary skills to actually disassemble it. Great news that you showed up :)

I sadly lack the needed programming skills to help you but I wish you the best of luck!

I'm gonna need help
« Reply #3 on: 05 / September / 2008, 14:00:36 »
Hi everyone,

sorry i had to work today, so i couldn't start disassembling yet.
But I will need help, i'm new to CHDK, i can't do this on my own!
Please anyone with skills, let's team up to get this done fast, a lot of people are waiting for the port.

Greets Lukas


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Re: A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« Reply #4 on: 05 / September / 2008, 15:29:51 »
First step: What tools we need?
Probably we need:
disassembler IDA PRO (you find it on internet) or someone other
some libraries/dictionary files usefull for disassembling
 :'( disassembling - somewhere is thread about developmnent/porting - we need to find it
and now I dont't know what to do next  ???

Re: A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« Reply #5 on: 05 / September / 2008, 15:58:19 »
Well basicaly i'm not sure yet what will happen after disassembling, but thats not too bad because disassambling is a big peace of work.
some useful links regarding disassembling, containing libraries, idc-files, and tutorials:

http://grandag.nm.ru/hdk/CanonFW_A-Series_Signatures_for_IDA.rar - Signature from the A720IS - this one finds about 1500 functions in the dump of the A720IS - but, as i expected, none for the A590IS dump.

About the dumps: the second dump(e-firmware) is just a lot of zero's and i'm beginning to doubt the integrity of the first dump(a-firmware).
I'm still hoping for a breakthrough, like getting a lot of binary disassembled, but so far not even a single line of usefull code appears on my screen  :'(

i found IDA Pro on a site, but i'm not sure you should link to this kind of site here...
the first step is to disassemble it properly, maybe if it's nice code some of the pro's will come along and help us.
« Last Edit: 05 / September / 2008, 16:04:03 by lukas »


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Re: A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« Reply #6 on: 05 / September / 2008, 16:11:12 »
About the dumps: the second dump(e-firmware) is just a lot of zero's and i'm beginning to doubt the integrity of the first dump(a-firmware).

Its normal that there are leading and trailing zeros.

http://mighty-hoernsche.de/chdk/dev/a590_100e.dump.bz2 There you go, a590 1.00e stripped and ready.

Dunno why its smaller than the other processed firmware.. Guess i forgot to strip the zeroes at the end of the other firmware..


Re: A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« Reply #7 on: 05 / September / 2008, 16:25:22 »
Thank you so much for that firmware, already found IRQdisable and IRQenable functions @ 00000578 and 000005A0 !
Using the A720 based signature file finally i got something useful, well it's the IRQ wich is at the same position as in the DryOS Porting page in the wiki, but its a step further on a long walk!

[edit] found function DebugAssert @0000BDB8 wich seems like a skelleton for fatal error mesages:
Code: (asm) [Select]
ADREQ   R0, aAssertFileSLin ; "\nAssert: File %s Line %d\n"
« Last Edit: 05 / September / 2008, 16:35:31 by lukas »


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Re: A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« Reply #8 on: 05 / September / 2008, 17:05:57 »


Offline x286

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Re: A590IS Porting, who's with me?
« Reply #9 on: 05 / September / 2008, 17:06:42 »
About the dumps: the second dump(e-firmware) is just a lot of zero's and i'm beginning to doubt the integrity of the first dump(a-firmware).

I'm guessing by a-firmware you mean the 1.01B version. The following is what applies for the first dump found in the wiki.

It's shifted up by one byte, thus I had to remove the first byte before loading it into IDA. You may consider changing the file.

Signatures apply, idc-scripts find functions and basic startup is what I expected. The dump is ok.

Note: The dump ends early. Everything needed for porting is there, though.

Maybe not very interesting for you since you're working on the 1.00E version but I though I'd mention it just in case.

Hopefully there isn't a huge difference between versions seeing as my camera uses 1.01B :)
« Last Edit: 05 / September / 2008, 17:08:23 by x286 »


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