as things happened really fast here in subversion wonderland, and it's already very late/early in germany, just a small post to keep you guys updated:
i dont really know what happened and why or if the guys just set it up this way, anyhow: tonight Allbest (probably in an evil plan together with ewavr) merged the JuciPhoX branch with the trunk.
This means: All the features and bugs from juciphox are now in the allbest build.
Wait a second, allbest build? This is no more. No more juciphox, no more allbest. It's just CHDK. Think of it as CHDK 2.0. Or CHDK reloaded, whatever.
Grands Autobuild handles the new build, however it does not create my extended zips yet (which contain a lot more stuff) - use Hackis
autobuild server for now, please. (i guess in future both servers will contain the trunk - though there certainly will be a 2nd autobuild somewhere for a dev branch with untested features)
To find out all the "new" stuff (for those that havent used the juciphox build before), read about it in the
One obvious new thing is the version numbers - right now we are at 0.5.1 - small fixes & maintenance release will increase the number only by a small increment, whereas adding of features or other things will increase it more - hopefully one day we can reach the 1.0.0 (this means properly documented, tested, feature-rich, bug less, stable, packed with scripts etc).
as i changed the makefile to produce zipfiles that contain a lot of stuff, i advise the trunk devs to update version.inc and doc/version.txt everytime they committ, so the autobuilt zips will reflect the changes.
there are a lot of things to write about now, but i forgot most of it, will follow.
thanks to all the betatesters, wiki editors, server hosters, code submitters, irc chatters and in general all people who helped making this possible.
stay tuned, PhoX (or as FE50 pointed out: PhP