Does anybody know where I can acquire a copy of the S3's firmware?
You read this thread, did you?
In general it's a good to have as much information as possible, but the port you will be working on is from an A720 to an S5. Just because two DryOS cams of different device series have more in common than two G-series cams with different OS. The kbd is the only exception.
This is pretty much the exact thing I was working on that made me wonder.. beyond the surface level, the S5's code for handling the keyboard diverges from the A720 pretty drastically.
I've not had much success today.. I copied the relevant bits of the S5 code to the boot.c sequence and modified it all correctly, but I can't get the camera to complete a boot-up no matter where I shortcut out of the edited code. Presumably, I've gotta get at least to the part where I skip StartDiskboot, otherwise it'll be stuck in a loop of reading DISKBOOT.BIN. If I leave the StartDiskboot call in, I get a nice endless loop of flashing my "hacked code start on" LED. Commenting that out that call, like you did, Jeff, gets the thing to finish out the code, but I eventually end up with a locked up camera.. bleh.
I went ahead and made a StartDiskboot function that skips the check for DISKBOOT.BIN, just in case there was some magic in there that was being missed. However, I am still stuck at this point. The only red flag for me was that my task_Startup is slightly different than yours, but that really shouldn't matter that much if I am leaving it alone and just trying to get to a normal booted camera.. bleh (again).
Until another day,