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Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons

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Offline dvip

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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #190 on: 08 / December / 2009, 21:55:05 »
Some A590IS fishing:

print "Striped fish with bubbles icon"

print "Video icon - 640/20 fps"

print "Video icon - 640/20 fps"

print "Video icon - 640/20 fps"

print "AUTO icon"

print "Unknown gray box icon/ Like MODE_EASY uses macro"


Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #191 on: 08 / December / 2009, 22:07:37 »

print "Striped fish with bubbles icon"

print "Unknown gray box icon/ Like MODE_EASY uses macro"
If you open the pics in ZoomBrowser or some other one with extended exif info, you should be able to see the mode name.
Also, in playback mode, if you swith to display with info, little icons should be present for the mode.
If they are the same in all DryOS they should likely be:
32791 should be Underwater - Striped fish w bubbles
33288 should be Digital Macro - Macro flower with "D" inside.


Offline dvip

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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #192 on: 08 / December / 2009, 22:55:50 »
Exif for both 32791 and 33288 say:
Exposure Mode: Easy Shooting

I think they are some extra SCN modes.

In playmode the icon for 32791 is the striped fish with
bubbles. For 33288 there isn't an icon in playmode, in
recmode the icon is a semi-transparent gray square.

Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #193 on: 09 / December / 2009, 09:13:47 »

regarding propcase 50, can you describe how it behaves with other modes ?

Thanks again for your testing.

I did some checking and of note is the following:
-in C (custom) mode, 49 holds the emulated/saved modenumber, 50 is 8225
-for all other modes, both are 49 & 50 are the same
-when starting a video in amy mode, 49 & 50 both increase by 1024 (even 2597 for video and the 8225 for custom)
-setting the mode to a mode number +1024, switches to that mode with no icon.  Pictures taken get the exif tag MovieSnap.
-for the additional movie modes, they all show up tagged as Video, but 2598 & 2599 also have the MyColors tag set to Color Accent and Color Swap
-when stopping a video record, the camera switches back to to physical dial set mode

Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #194 on: 10 / December / 2009, 17:01:37 »
Can you check these canon modes on a460
32774 (maybe mycolors on ixus60/ixus65)

Just enters so-called Manual mode.

33290 (stitch on many, according to canon specs, a460 doesn't have stitch)
I'd be particularly interested to know if stitch actually works on this camera.

Well, it does enter stitch mode and I can take multiple photos.
The left/right keys only seem to browse to previous or next image.

I cannot exit stitch mode by pressing SET  ... or anything.

I just move the dial to a new position.

Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #195 on: 10 / December / 2009, 17:12:56 »
Well, it does enter stitch mode and I can take multiple photos.
The left/right keys only seem to browse to previous or next image.

I cannot exit stitch mode by pressing SET  ... or anything.

I just move the dial to a new position.
Do the photos get the stitch numbering format?


Offline reyalp

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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #196 on: 10 / December / 2009, 17:13:28 »
Just enters so-called Manual mode.
This should be the "long shutter" sub-mode.
Well, it does enter stitch mode and I can take multiple photos.
The left/right keys only seem to browse to previous or next image.
But it does show the stitch assist window ?
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #197 on: 10 / December / 2009, 17:48:36 »
Do the photos get the stitch numbering format?

I guess so  ...

STA_0500.JPG, STB_0501.JPG

STA_0502.JPG, STB_0503.JPG, STC_0504.JPG

Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #198 on: 10 / December / 2009, 17:57:16 »
This should be the "long shutter" sub-mode.
Yes, while the script is running I see the 'M' icon on the left and the 1" text.

But it does show the stitch assist window ?



Offline reyalp

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Re: Mode dials and Playback pushbuttons
« Reply #199 on: 10 / December / 2009, 23:00:57 »
Modemap cleanup started in changeset 860
There shouldn't be any need to re-test the cameras already reported earlier in this thread, but you can if you want ;)

Except for the modes that have been removed or added, all the enum values should have stayed the same.

If anyone can get confirm the propcase values for the cameras listed below as incorrect/incomplete, that would be helpful. See,3228.msg44193.html#msg44193

* make all CHDK mode enum values match canon descriptions, including SCN prefix if requried
* remove extra names that refer to the same modes:
* resolve confused use of NIGHT modes as NIGHT_SCENE, NIGHT_SNAPSHOT and LONG_SHUTTER
* add MODE_LONG_SHUTTER for cameras without a true manual mode (mostly guessed based on firmware mode list):
   a2000, a450, a460, a470, a550, a560, tx1, all ixus except ixus980_sd990 (has real manual), ixusizoom_sd30 (unknown)
* clean up modemaps as much as possible to match canon specs and firmware mode list, document these.
* cameras with known incorrect or incomplete modemaps:
   a470 stitch, color accent, color swap still and video guessed
   g7 not clear which night scene mode is which
   ixus40_sd30 firmware list not found, status unknown
   ixus55_sd450 many modes missing from list, no way to guess in old canon mode system
   ixus65_sd630 video modes guessed
   ixus750_sd550 longshutter and p guessed
   ixus800_sd700 video modes guessed
   ixus80_sd1100 many gussed, some unknown in canon list but not modemap
   ixus850_sd800 many gussed, had lots that weren't in the canon list
   ixus960_sd950 guessed IS0_3200, VIDEO_HIRES
   ixusizoom_sd30 completely wrong, impossible to guess with old canon system
   sx100 one unknown video mode

* remove tx1 manual exception from generic/shooting since tx1 no longer has a MODE_M entry
* check for MODE_LONG_SHUTTER in generic shooting Tv bracketing, treat as Tv/Manual

Don't forget what the H stands for.


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