Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files - RAW Shooting and Processing - CHDK Forum

Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files

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Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« on: 19 / January / 2008, 03:22:41 »
I found that I was able to process the RAW files from my A620 (CHDK - Allbest build 16) using RawShooter Premium 2006 using the following steps. The same steps should work with RawShooter Essentials.

1. Open the RawShooter.exe file in a Hexeditor (make a backup of the original first).  Search for the string "PowerShot". It should bring you to the section of the file with the names of all the supported cameras. I found one model which I am unlikely to ever own (the Pro1) and changed it to A620 (ie Canon PowerShot Pro1 -> Canon PowerShot A620). Obviously, the model name you type in has to be identical to the EXIF identifier of your camera. Save the new EXE file.

2. Use DNG2PS-2 to convert your CHDK CRW files into DNG files. RSP (and probably RSE) won't accept the CHDK CRW files directly. The advantages of this step is that the DNG file gets compressed, so is smaller than the CRW. Additionally, the EXIF info and JPEG thumbnail get copied into the DNG file.

3. Now, run your newly modified version of RSP/RSE, and browse to the location with the DNGs. It should show them to you, and you should be able to process them as normal. Note: the initial thumbnails will have strong green hue to them, but if you let RSP/RSE generate its own thumbnails they should look fine. The default WB is 4550K, which I change to 4850 but only because that was the default on my G3 CRW files.

I hope this helps some people.

I wish RawTherapee would work better. I find that it suffers badly with whitebalance (even with non-CHDK RAW files), so I am unable to use it even though I made a $25 donation to support the author.


Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #1 on: 21 / January / 2008, 00:02:21 »
For the non-programmers among us can you be more detailed about this? I have no clue how to use a hex editor properly. Like, I have a couple of hex editors installed but I can't figure out how to search for "Powershot". Maybe you could recommend which editor to use and how to search. I know it sounds dumb but I have no programming background.

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: 21 / January / 2008, 00:10:58 by dvornik »

Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #2 on: 21 / January / 2008, 03:51:11 »
While it is true that I do do some programming, I am certainly not a programmer in the sense of these brave souls making CHDK for us!

I'm certainly not a proficient Hex-Editor, by any means, but I was inspired to try this modification from someone who had posted making the same mod by changing "G5" to "S3" to support their S3IS (I believe his was the model)

I will try to give more detail for the method. I think any HexEditing program should be fine.

When you open the HexEditor, and then open the RawShooter.exe file, the code should be divided into two parts.

The Hex part will be lots of pairs of number/letter combinations (like 9A B0 8C 87). This is always unintelligible and best left untouched (at least in the sense of direct editing).

You should also see, though, a second column of code which looks like lots of random letters, numbers, and characters but, importantly, not in pairs. For the most part this code will also be unintelligible. But you should find that, if you quickly scroll through this code every once in a while you will come across a regular English word. This, I believe, is referred to as ASCII.

In reality, the Hex part and the ASCII part are actually two different representations of the same code. That is, for every change you make in one part, there will be a corresponding change in the other part.

Since the Hex will remain unintelligible, for this exercise we want to focus on the ASCII part. So, invoke the Search function of the Hex-Editor, and make sure you tell it to search the ASCII code. Do a search for 'PowerShot' (the caps may or may not be important, as an alternative you can search the brand 'Canon' or some of the already-supported models such as '300D'  or 'Pro1').

If the search function has worked, you should be looking at the part of the code that lists the names of all the supported cameras. It seems that Pixmantec foolishly decided which RAW files RSP/RSE would support purely based on the EXIF identifier and not, say, the actual compatibility of a RAW file. Since these programs are no longer supported, we can only make newer/CHDK model cameras be supported by manually changing some of the entries for camera names.

Choose a camera from the list that you are unlikely ever to own (since making this change will now make THAT camera model incompatible with this copy of RSE/RSP) and carefully change the string to the identifier from your camera. To be extra safe, I made sure that the total length of the old camera name that I chose is exactly the same as the total camera length of the new camera name ('Canon PowerShot Pro1' = 20chars, inc spaces; 'Canon PowerShot A620' = 20 chars, inc spaces); but this may not be an essential step.

Once you have made the change, save the EXE file (you can use a new name if you like, to identify that the new version supports a new camera), and close the Hex-Editor. In fact, with this method, you can have multiple versions for multiple cameras (if you were, for some reason, to have more CHDK cameras in your arsenal than Canon cameras that RSE/RSP support from the factory).

Now, your RSE/RSP should support the DNG files from your CHDK camera. It will not support the pure CRW files, however.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: 21 / January / 2008, 03:53:36 by eliavecellio »

Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #3 on: 21 / January / 2008, 20:51:42 »
Thanks. Which version of RawShooter do you have installed? Mine ( doesn't seem to have any Canon strings in it at all.


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Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #4 on: 21 / January / 2008, 23:37:12 »
DNG is standard RAW file and it is very strange RawShooter requires these changes to work with it.

Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #5 on: 22 / January / 2008, 06:58:25 »
I assumed that the basic methodology between RawShooter versions would be the same, but maybe it is not!

Mine is RawShooter Premium 2006 1.0.3 build 77.

Thanks. Which version of RawShooter do you have installed? Mine ( doesn't seem to have any Canon strings in it at all.

Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #6 on: 22 / January / 2008, 07:02:24 »
Yes, it was not a good design decision! Very limiting! Especially since it is hard coded, so it's not as though you could download 'add-in' compatibility files when new cameras were released.

It's a shame, because I am yet to find a RAW program with a good workflow design to replace RSP.

DNG does not seem as universal as one might assume though. It seems that most programs will only support DNGs from cameras whose native RAW files they also support (eg Canon, Nikon etc). I tried converting some Fujifilm S5600 RAW files (RAF) into DNG, but RSP still won't accept them (even with the hexediting hack to put its name into the EXE), so DNG isn't bringing much to a compatibility front.

DNG is standard RAW file and it is very strange RawShooter requires these changes to work with it.

Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #7 on: 22 / January / 2008, 21:16:32 »
I'll look around if I can find a newer Rawshooter version. I have a couple of older ones but none of the hex editors I've tried  found references to powershot or canon in them. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Too bad Adobe killed it - it was a good converter.

Generally DNG is not a standard RAW file. There are always arguments about that on the Bibble support board - Bibble developers refuse to support non-native DNG.

Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #8 on: 22 / January / 2008, 21:20:14 »
... Bibble developers refuse to support  DNG.
They do support DNGs created directly by cameras.

Re: Solution: How to use RawShooter Premium 2006 on CHDK files
« Reply #9 on: 22 / January / 2008, 22:15:59 »
« Last Edit: 22 / April / 2008, 09:58:32 by Barney Fife »
[acseven/admin commented out: please refrain from more direct offensive language to any user. FW complaints to me] I felt it imperative to withdraw my TOTAL participation. Nobody has my permission, nor the right, to reinstate MY posts. Make-do with my quoted text in others' replies only. Bye


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