I managed to blink the D10 firmware out starting at 0xFF810000. I used the blinker java version provided by syrius for the SD1200 IS:
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,3547.msg39712.html#msg39712Followed the instructions in README.TXT and also i made the following changes:
changed to the P-ID of the D10:
header change your key here (31BC is for D10)
HDR 0x000031BC 0x02230000 0x01000000 0x00000000 0x00000001
only made two changes:
#define DELAY_COUNT 1265
couldn't blink it any faster than 1200bps. Maybe it's the diode i got from an old mouse. you can try faster speeds. this took about 12hours to blink.
Change the start of rom addess to the on of the D10:
unsigned int startOfRom = 0xFF810000;
Use this one instead:
@rem you have to edit the line that says @copy ps.fi2 g:\.
@rem change g:\. to the drive letter of your SD-Card
@rem you also have to edit the setvariables.bat
@rem also, you need to edit my.map in fi2envdec folder
@call setvariables.bat
@del *.o
@del main
@arm-elf-gcc -fno-builtin -O2 -Ilib -nostdinc -c entry.s
@arm-elf-gcc -fno-builtin -O2 -Ilib -c lib/crc16.c
@arm-elf-gcc -fno-builtin -O1 -Ilib -c main.c
@arm-elf-gcc -fno-builtin -O2 -Ilib -nostdlib -Wl,-N,-Ttext,1900,-Map,main.map -o main.exec entry.o main.o crc16.o -lc -lgcc
@arm-elf-objcopy -O binary main.exec main
@arm-elf-objdump -d main.exec > main.dump
@zero | dd bs=1k count=100 >>main
@copy main fi2envdec\diskboot.bin
@cd fi2envdec
@call pack.bat
@rem copy firmware upload file to SD-Card (change g: to your drive letter!!!)
@copy ps.fi2 g:\.
@cd ..
also edit fw/SetVariables.bat to your own scenario.
I did it using an old diode i got from an antique mouse which i taped directly to the AF LED; i also covered it with a piece of tin foil, which seemed to help better the poor reception. I used a 10kohm resistor; all mounted to a serial port (schematic included in the sirius' package). As i said, i couldn't blink any faster than 1200bps. The java program works well and the first minute of blinking is very good to check the acuracy of the capture: all the lines that appear should be exactly alike.
I hope anyone will pick this up and start the port, as i'm not a great programmer.
Download the firmware here: