Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector - page 20 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector

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Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #190 on: 14 / June / 2010, 22:00:38 »
Yes I have just noticed you are helping him too.
You keep a lot of irons in the fire !

Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #191 on: 15 / June / 2010, 04:53:14 »
This is the zip file that gsbergman has used :-

Try unzipping the files and rename the the S5IS one .BIN.

On booting, the camera automatically runs a motion-detection script  ... or it does on Greg's S5IS.


Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #192 on: 15 / June / 2010, 05:43:23 »
Hi David
First time.
Loaded, "no image" displayed, as there are no inages on the card.
A line of text appears "Click SET to stop".
Nothing else appears or happens. After about 20 seconds the camera turns off.

Second & consecutive times.
Loaded, a line of text appears "Click SET to stop" over the picture of the view.
I can not get it to capture image, with movement or shutter release ?
No zoom. After about 20 seconds the camera turns off or shuts down.

Another time I clicked "SET" but it didn't turn off.


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #193 on: 15 / June / 2010, 06:04:09 »
That is OK, I forgot that you need the script.

Download and unzip this file :-

Copy CHDK folder to the card.

« Last Edit: 15 / June / 2010, 07:53:51 by Microfunguy »


Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #194 on: 15 / June / 2010, 06:42:24 »
When I turn on in record I have normal Canon operation.
When I press print <ALT> I get Fast MD 080914 in the bottom LH corner.
Scratching head wondering what to do ? Lack of screen prompts ?
Press SET nothing happens ? Press print <ALT> & camera starts shooting with my constant movement, (hand held). Obviously needs a steady tri-pod !
Press set to stop, doesn't work, press <ALT> camera resumes normal Canon operation.
Well this is a change :-))
Is this SDM or CHDK ?
Have a cold drink David.

Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #195 on: 15 / June / 2010, 06:49:35 »
This is SDM and you need to learn how to run scripts.

Anyway, in ALT mode press MENU.

Do you see 'Autostart' ?

If so, press SET to enable it.

Press MENU to exit that mode then the PRINT button to exit ALT mode.

Tuirn-off the camera.

Turn-on the camera, the script should automatically run.

Fully press shutter button to stop the script.

Now, I will pressure-wash the drive .......


Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #196 on: 15 / June / 2010, 07:21:42 »
Thanks David
Understand all that, with practice, OK.

Hope the drive looks good, because I do, with my new toy & knowledge ;-)


Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #197 on: 15 / June / 2010, 07:53:21 »
Not sure if that means you agree it is working or not.

Anyway, you will have to place the camera on a surface on tripod to test motion detection, you will not be able to hand-hold steady enough.

The next task is to ask gbergman to join the discussion and try the same tests that you say fail.

Unfortunately, the 17 hour time-zone difference is not helpful.


Offline colinbm

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Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #198 on: 15 / June / 2010, 08:41:43 »
Yes it is working thanks.
There are things I have to learn & understand & practice.
When I know the capabilities of me & the camera I will know a lot more.
So far so good.

gbergman was sitting on the fence today, I thought he may have said something, but he didn't.
So I will try & catch him when he is online again.
Hopefully I will have a better understanding & some intelligent questions.
The time difference is 7 hrs the other way too, if you lose the day :-)

You must only have a small driveway ?
Which part of England are you in ?
My Mums Mother was from Reading & she came out in 1911, our last arrival here.



Re: Passive Infrared Detector - motion detector
« Reply #199 on: 15 / June / 2010, 09:03:27 »
You must only have a small driveway ?

Like all British workers, I keep stopping for 'tea-breaks'    :)

Which part of England are you in ?

None, I am in North Wales.



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