POLL: Which missing features would you like to see? - page 11 - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum


Pick up to 12 features you'd like to see in the future of CHDK

Exposure control in movie mode (some cameras don't have this). -- ------
79 (3.7%)
LCD/EVF backlight switch, brightness control. -------------------------
74 (3.5%)
Program-Shift Mode (in cameras that don't have it). -------------------
19 (0.9%)
Custom Auto-ISO (was being worked on last I saw). Done!  ---------------------
16 (0.8%)
Use of USB port to control external devices. --------------------------
103 (4.9%)
Remote Capture (PTP) via USB on cameras without. ----------------------
108 (5.1%)
Swapping out CHDK versions from within CHDK. --------------------------
42 (2%)
2nd Curtain Flash Sync (in cameras without). --------------------------
36 (1.7%)
"Best Shot" selector (poor man's IS). ---------------------------------
34 (1.6%)
File-Compression for RAW (and Script Files?). -------------------------
71 (3.4%)
Customizable Menus. Done!  ---------------------------------------------------
16 (0.8%)
Dark-Frame filesaving for manual DF-Subtraction. ----------------------
75 (3.5%)
Xvid/DivX Video Compression. ------------------------------------------
116 (5.5%)
Flash Exposure Compensation - (manual) Flash Output Override. ---------
53 (2.5%)
Make PC see camera as standard external storage device. ---------------
139 (6.6%)
Sound activated shutter control. --------------------------------------
134 (6.3%)
Audio-recording level meter. ------------------------------------------
67 (3.2%)
Mass file-renaming. ---------------------------------------------------
35 (1.7%)
Alternative Color-Space Profiles. -------------------------------------
33 (1.6%)
In-Focus Highlighting (highlighting in-focus subject matter). ---------
81 (3.8%)
Save RAW in DNG format (similar to previous request). -----------------
94 (4.4%)
Zoom-Override in Super-Macro Mode (for tele-macro use). ---------------
75 (3.5%)
JPG Quality Compression Override/Settings. ----------------------------
111 (5.3%)
Customizable CHDK configurations (select favorite configs from a menu).
90 (4.3%)
Download photos to Flash-drive (w/o PC tether). -----------------------
73 (3.5%)
Av, Tv, M Modes in cameras without. Av Tv Done!------------------------------
28 (1.3%)
Format SD card in camera and retain CHDK on card. ---------------------
131 (6.2%)
LCD/EVF Color Adjust. -------------------------------------------------
19 (0.9%)
Built-in text & script file editor. -----------------------------------
51 (2.4%)
ND-Filter Override Mode (in cameras without). Done!  -------------------------
11 (0.5%)
Mode-Dial setting through script control. -----------------------------
43 (2%)
Extra audio-recording sampling rates (for cameras without). -----------
57 (2.7%)

Total Members Voted: 336

POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?

  • 148 Replies

Offline foofighter69

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Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #100 on: 29 / May / 2009, 10:40:20 »
The longest voice recording was 155MB(~247mins) with 2100mAh GP rechargeable battery. (11025Hz .. 88.2kbit/sec)
« Last Edit: 29 / May / 2009, 18:43:10 by foofighter69 »

Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #101 on: 19 / June / 2009, 20:47:34 »
sorry, i'm don't know code languages...
i use chdk on a590is

Is it possible to have several flashes in one shot, one picture? For example: 3 or 2 flashes and Tv=3sec
Is it possible to fire the flash at the end of a long time exposure shot?


Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #102 on: 22 / June / 2009, 14:54:26 »
for some reason my SD700 chdk will not save setting if i turn the camera off.

Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #103 on: 11 / July / 2009, 14:01:19 »
Hi guys,
I can't find the way to save and restore all the focus, zoom, exposure, WB, ISO, and other settings. It can be useful to store favorites. For example: 77mm EFL, ISO 100, ~1/800, F4.0, Macro (or MF), WB: sunny, Continuous mode to take photos about flying insects in the garden. I have SX110.


Offline nei

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Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #104 on: 02 / August / 2009, 23:44:50 »
I'd like to have the possibility to attach a external numeric keypad to the usb port of G9 and control manual focus, zoom, shoot, aperture, shutter time, etc. Would be nice the possibility to configure the functions associated with buttons. This idea was implemented in the stopmotion software above...
=> http://www.stopmotionpro.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=214&Itemid=122

Best regards,


Offline fudgey

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Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #105 on: 03 / August / 2009, 04:30:33 »
I'd like to have the possibility to attach a external numeric keypad to the usb port of G9 and control manual focus, zoom, shoot, aperture, shutter time, etc. Would be nice the possibility to configure the functions associated with buttons. This idea was implemented in the stopmotion software above...

The only way for you to achieve this is to build a customized keypad that does things similar to other supply voltage toggling CHDK remotes, since we don't have enough control over the port to properly communicate via USB.

Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #106 on: 05 / August / 2009, 09:31:19 »
Hi, i don't know if it was requested earlier:

- The ability to adjust/finetune the factory-settings in all programm-modes, including video.
   (Exposure/Brightnesscontrol of the basic settings)

For example:
My CANON SX200 IS produces in all Camera settings (Auto, P and Video) slightly overexposed pictures/videos.

If i dont change the exposure setting manually, the brightness will be adjusting automatically if i point to a new motive (brighter or darker than the former one) but still, this autoadjusting of the camera produces too bright pictures. Even in Auto mode!

If i change the exposure setting manually (-1/3 or -2/3 on Camera) i loose the automatic brightness adjust feature when i change the motive (i.E. from shadow forrest to sunny snow-fields) .

Therefore it would be great, if it is possible to finetune the basic settings (exposure globally -1/3), so that the automatic brightness adjusting is still present. Especially in the video mode.

It would be great to implement this feature to chdk :)


« Last Edit: 05 / August / 2009, 09:36:42 by ratz1967 »
SX220HS + SX200is   +  S30 + Powershot 600


Offline fudgey

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Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #107 on: 06 / August / 2009, 15:56:03 »
- The ability to adjust/finetune the factory-settings in all programm-modes, including video.
   (Exposure/Brightnesscontrol of the basic settings)

CHDK hasn't been ported to sx200is yet at all, has it?

About 14 firmware subs already have ev compensation control in video mode in CHDK according to `grep CAM_EV_IN_VIDEO include/camera.h`. If I'm not mistaken, adding video mode Ev compensation to other models is not trivial (because ExpCtrlTool_StopContiAE is used and it or its equivalent probably hasn't been found in most cameras, maybe not in dryos at all, I didn't check that deep and can't remember).

But adding Ev override in still shooting mode should be fairly trivial because I believe it only requires a single propcase to be set at a suitable time before autoexposure (although I guess this would be even easier to add to our existing exposure overrides to control a single parameter, most typically Tv, but that's not ideal and not quite what you're asking for either as in Tv mode you wouldn't be getting the Tv you're asking for with this fake Ev compensation active).

The way I use my camera (only P, Av, M, Tv modes, never any of those scene modes that mostly limit control of some parameters I like to have total control over even if I may make a poorer choice), I only have 4 shooting modes for which the camera may (or may not... can't recall how mine operates) remember it's own ev compensation setting, so I can guess why nobody's implemented it yet (or has it?). One thing to keep in mind is that we don't have many shortcut keys available (and the ones we have still aren't user customizable). What I mean is that if you enable this Ev compensation override, you'd have to go to depths of the CHDK menu (probably you'd want to put it in your user menu) to tweak it for each and every shot that needs it... unless the feature is implemented to only override when camera's UI shows Ev compensation of 0, for instance... but this would make the feature pretty hard to grasp since it's operation would seem erratic to someone who doesn't read the documentation or forgets.

But isn't the quickest way for you to fix this just to set your camera to -1/3 or -2/3 for each and every shooting mode and it'll remember it? Or did I understand something incorrectly?

There is one thing why ev compensation override would be somewhat useful... that's because the ev compensation propcase actually goes from -4 to +4 full stops, when the camera only lets you set from -2 to +2 (we can do this trick from scripts already, but it's really not very convenient for still shots to have to run a script before each and every shot... but then again how often do you need Ev compensation that huge).

Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #108 on: 25 / August / 2009, 20:47:44 »
How about an option to turn off in-camera noise reduction for JPEG files instead of being forced to use RAW to avoid this "feature"? Or maybe a way to control the amount of NR that is applied to the image? Don't know if it's possible but might be interesting to see who thinks it would be a useful feature.


Offline fe50

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Re: POLL: Which missing features would you like to see?
« Reply #109 on: 26 / August / 2009, 01:27:08 »
How about an option to turn off in-camera noise reduction for JPEG files instead of being forced to use RAW to avoid this "feature"? Or maybe a way to control the amount of NR that is applied to the image? Don't know if it's possible but might be interesting to see who thinks it would be a useful feature.
The "Noise reduction" ("Dark frame subtraction" in newer CHDK versions) is a generell setting; although it is placed in the CHDK RAW menu, this overwrite is for all images, also for JPG files.
The Dark frame subtraction is done by the original Canon firmware, CHDK just overrides the threshold value...


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