General Discussion and Assistance

Child Boards

[-] Firmware Dumping

[-] DryOS Development

[-] DSLR CHDK development (shortcut / moved to "Other Development", look below)


(1/257) > >>

[1] Welcome to the CHDK forum! (and RULES)

[2] Forum performance issues

[3] Adding new cameras, applying patches into trunk (with source code prepared)

[4] Windows GUI for gcc toolchain

[5] changelog of trunk including comments / devtalk

[6] chdkptp - alternative ptp client

[7] Very simple relay/switch

[8] Binary file visualizer (upd. 2018-07-08)

[9] CHDK PTP interface

How do PowerShots control photo and video resolutions?

does adding CHDK onto Powershot a650IS allow you to zoom in/out while recording


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