New releaser - Allbest. His build. - page 4 - CHDK Releases - CHDK Forum

New releaser - Allbest. His build.

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Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #30 on: 08 / December / 2007, 19:23:45 »
I tested release with my A570 100e firmware.

I compiled sources without errors, but noticed that for A570 some properties have value=0.

This evening I found almost all lacking properties and tomorrow, after some testing, I'll put them here and/or in wiki.

Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #31 on: 08 / December / 2007, 19:38:46 »
A570 some properties have value=0.
This evening I found almost all lacking properties and tomorrow, after some testing, I'll put them here and/or in wiki.
That' true. Some trouble with a570 property cases. Please publicize your results if your investigation will be successful!
Thank you!
« Last Edit: 09 / December / 2007, 06:18:21 by Allbest »


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Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build. SD700
« Reply #32 on: 09 / December / 2007, 04:46:55 »
I ported this to SD700 (actually, made it compile...).

In general, it works. Bracketing in continuous mode hangs the camera, though...

Any ideas? Could it be a propersty case issue?

Normal shooting works, and most values are non-zero.


Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #33 on: 09 / December / 2007, 06:54:54 »
I've tried the build a bit and it works on both my A570 and S2 so far (a little bit of changing was required in the scripts).  One awkwardness I find though is in the setting of the Tv override:

You set the shutter speed value A
and the factor B
for fractions B is indicated as 1/10, 1/100, etc.  Reading more I see that it is supped to be A*B for Tv value, but I would have expected (or hoped for) it to be applied to the bottom of the fraction (ie. divided rather than multipled)

For example for A=4, B=1/1000
The Tv setting is 4/1000 or 0.004 as it is given by the build, but I would have preferred it to be 1/4000.  I think this would be more intuitive, espescially since we are used to dealing with fraction seconds not decimal seconds for shutter speeds.  Also if one wants to set the shutter sped to 1/4000, you need to calculate 1/4000=0.00025 and set accordingly.

OK, so I may finally get the idea as to how to set the shutter.  How do you calculate what is going on with the aperture?  Did anyone write an explanation of what all the new settings do?  Maybe all will be clearer once this has been around for a few weeks.

Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #34 on: 09 / December / 2007, 15:46:59 »
I made an attempt to find A570 propcase. I'm not sure if all prop are correct.

#if defined(CAMERA_a570)
 #define PROPCASE_DRIVE_MODE        102
 #define PROPCASE_FOCUS_MODE        133
 #define PROPCASE_USER_TV           264
 #define PROPCASE_TV                262
 #define PROPCASE_USER_AV           26
 #define PROPCASE_AV                23
 #define PROPCASE_MIN_AV            25
 #define PROPCASE_SV                247
 #define PROPCASE_DELTA_SV          245
 #define PROPCASE_SV_MARKET         246
 #define PROPCASE_BV                0
 #define PROPCASE_SUBJECT_DIST1     65
 #define PROPCASE_SUBJECT_DIST2     245
 #define PROPCASE_ISO_MODE          149
 #define PROPCASE_SHOOTING          206

Test results:

Av and Tv OVERRIDE confirmed OK
Distance Override in Manual Mode confirmed OK

Bracketing: Av and Tv OK

The real problem are ISO Override and ISO bracketing:


Using Misc. value visualizer I was able to see the following values:
ISO Override set to 1500 (15x10)

I-R: 1490
I-M: -1


Disabling Your override and setting ISO camera to 1600 I obtain:
I-R: 1046
I-M: 1600

One problem is that using override setting camera seems to made a mistaken exposure after first shoot. Even if I disable override setting, camera continues to take mistaken exposure until I change mode. After that camera restore correct exposure mechanism.

Another problem seems related to ISO value. When Override values are greater than 1000 image become darker.

Seems that real iso values greater than 1046 (ISO market 1600) are not supported even if camera stamp them in photo and in display (in the example above ISO 2500).

The same problem happen in ISO bracketing:

An attempt show that correct values are stamped in photo, but no brightness level difference is visible in them

A last question:
I found ISO PROPCASE using Your formulas found in shooting.c and looking for calculate values in propcase visualizer.

But Bv is not derived from camera property. What is a range of valid values for Bv ?


Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #35 on: 09 / December / 2007, 17:31:46 »
Thank you, Rossig for this investigation!
One notice. Is it mistake? I see in your list that PROPCASE_SUBJECT_DIST2=PROPCASE_DELTA_SV.
There is a nice way to find values of bv & sv property cases. It's by IDA analisys of the 570's primary.bin. necessary to find  entries of "Sv" and "Bv" in the string list. links to corresponding functions directly guide us to seeking values.
The bv is a brightness value. It depends on light conditions. In dark its values are negative. In bright - up to 1000 and more..
I'll be wait for your results! 


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Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #36 on: 09 / December / 2007, 18:10:20 »

Thank you for search direction. It seems that Bv = 0x22 and Sv = 0xF6
« Last Edit: 09 / December / 2007, 18:13:24 by ewavr »

Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #37 on: 09 / December / 2007, 18:12:57 »

Thanks for your generous work on the CHDK.

Some others have noted that your build causes some changes in what we expect when we run the hack.  One item that runs differently is the motion detection script.  The nine cells that we were used to seeing are gone.  The script seems to work but it appears differently on the LCD display.

Another difference that I noted is that you can't get into the CHDK menu from the playback position on my A620.  To make CHDK changes I have to be in the mode to shoot pictures rather than play them back.  This hasn't bothered me yet, but it is different.

Some users also noted that certain scripts that were used before your version were crashing the cameras.

I hope this information helps you.  I am not complaining.  I am very happy that you have accomplished so much. :xmas

Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #38 on: 09 / December / 2007, 18:44:37 »
Hi, my friends!
New version was uploaded!
List of Changes:
1.Error correction. For example - disappearance of motion detector grid. other small errors
2.Updated to latest version of Fingalo & EWAVR
3.Posibility to clear overrided values on startup (additional key in menu)
4.Cycles in sequences of some override factors
5.Additional value - canon overexposure value
« Last Edit: 09 / December / 2007, 18:48:05 by Allbest »


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Re: New releaser - Allbest. His build.
« Reply #39 on: 09 / December / 2007, 18:56:27 »
Thanks Allbest!

Cycles in sequences is just what the doctor prescribed, I am taking a look at your new version.



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