A570 some properties have value=0.This evening I found almost all lacking properties and tomorrow, after some testing, I'll put them here and/or in wiki.
I've tried the build a bit and it works on both my A570 and S2 so far (a little bit of changing was required in the scripts). One awkwardness I find though is in the setting of the Tv override:You set the shutter speed value Aand the factor Bfor fractions B is indicated as 1/10, 1/100, etc. Reading more I see that it is supped to be A*B for Tv value, but I would have expected (or hoped for) it to be applied to the bottom of the fraction (ie. divided rather than multipled)For example for A=4, B=1/1000The Tv setting is 4/1000 or 0.004 as it is given by the build, but I would have preferred it to be 1/4000. I think this would be more intuitive, espescially since we are used to dealing with fraction seconds not decimal seconds for shutter speeds. Also if one wants to set the shutter sped to 1/4000, you need to calculate 1/4000=0.00025 and set accordingly.
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