rem Author: e3SpaceProgramrem Revised: 07 Jun 2013rem License: GPLrem Twitter: @e3SpaceProgramrem Web: [url=][/url]rem Version: 0.03rem Description: Alternates between time-lapse photos and video@title e3_UpCameraScript@param b Photos first? (boolean)@default b 1@param i Target photo interval (sec)@default i 15@param v Video Length (mins)@default v 90@param p Timelapse length (mins)@default p 90@param f Focus (mm)@default f 65535@param z Zoom (value)@default z 0@param s Shutter speed (APEX)@default s 640@param x Minimum Sv96@default x 371@param y Maximum Sv96@default y 795rem Main Script print "Starting script..." rem Set up the camera for action click "shoot_half" gosub "setconstants" gosub "iso" gosub "zoom" gosub "focus" gosub "shutter" gosub "turnflashoff" gosub "whitebalance" while b = 1 gosub "shoottimelapse" gosub "recordvideo" wend while b = 0 gosub "recordvideo" gosub "shoottimelapse" wend:setconstants print "Setting constants..." C=1 if b<0 then b=0 if b>1 then b=1 if i<0 then i=0 if v<0 then v=0 if z<0 then z=0 if z>8 then z=8 if f<0 then f=0 if f>65535 then f=65535 print "Constants set." return :shoottimelapse T = get_tick_count while (get_tick_count - T)<(p*60*1000) c = get_tick_count if get_jpg_count < 1 then goto "full" print "Time-lapse shot", C gosub "shootbracketedshot" sleep (i *1000) - (get_tick_count - c) C=C+1 wend return:shootbracketedshot click "shoot_full" print "shot taken" return:recordvideo print "Starting video recording..." T = get_tick_count while (get_tick_count - T)<(v*60*1000) sleep 10000 print "video sleep" wend return:iso print "Set iso to auto" set_iso 0 print "Iso set" return:zoom print "Set zoom to user value", z set_zoom z sleep 2000 print "Zoom set" return:shutter print "Set shutter speed", s set_tv96_direct s print "Shutter set" return:focus print "Set focus", f set_focus f set_aflock 1 sleep 2000 print "Focus set" return:turnflashoff print "Flash deactivated" F = get_flash_mode set_prop 16 2 print "Flash off" return:whitebalance print "Whitebalance fixed" return:full cls print "Memory card Full" end
press "shoot_half" do sleep 50 until get_shooting = 1 click "shoot_full" sleep 500 release "shoot_half"
press "shoot_full" sleep 2000 release "shoot_full"
The idea of the script is that it pre-sets the zoom, focus, shutter speed, iso etc to preset levels, and uses the 'click_full' approach so that all the camera does is take the photo, rather than trying to focus first etc (in which case as you say, I could use the 'shoot' function').
Have I misunderstood the 'click_full' approach?
Will it not take the shot if the camera isn't in a 'certain state' (e.g. if the camera isn't focused)
To click shoot_full and return to half press, you should use shoot_full_only.
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