Mr. Water (or perhaps Mr. Wingz?
I talked to my brother, the guru of all things canon camera and he informed me what I may be experiencing is the "safety shift" feature.
Normally, safety shift is turned off in manual mode since, well, it's supposed to be manual. However, it appears that through this ettl script, safety shift is turned on.
You probably already know about it, but just in case I'll explain. Basically it appears canon cameras have a feature called "safety shift" that, when active, tries to prevent over and under exposure. If I pick a shutter speed and aperture in M mode and the camera sees that the picture is set up for underexposure, it will override my settings to try to get proper exposure.
Again, in a standard-no-CHDK-active-camera-in-M-mode, safety shift is deactivated by default so it doesn't try to override to prevent over or under exposure. However, it appears activating TTL turns on safety shift which is what very well could be causing my issues.
Does anyone in the CHDK community know A. is there a manual turn off for safety shift in the normal canon menus? B. Is there a safety shift deactivate in the CHDK menus and/or C. Is there known script code that can be added to my script to deactivated safety shift when I run my eTTL script?
I hope this helps diagnose the issue. If this can be corrected, this would be an awesome feature to add to the CHDK main menu. I guarantee a lot of people could use it.