Hi All,
Re: CHDK-UNImote: Universal remote control for CHDK compatible cameras.
Reply #10 on: 30/October/2012,
---=== Sync-Mk1 ===---
So, have you given up on this, technical difficulties ?
Every "Sync" method will have, some, advantages and dis-advantages.
The IDEA! Sync-Mk2
---=== Sync-Mk2 ===---
The basic "Sync-Mk2" concept is simple and based on the BBC's Time pip's and the Talking Clock.
Just modify MetroNome-lua so that it is started by Canon's Time/Date clock at precisely 00x.000(s)
MetroNome-lua Mod-script will then Chime/Beep/Blink at some convenient rate on BOTH/ALL Cameras.
The Chime/Beep/Blink Interface, a Lm339 comparitor, and the Hardware is on a cheap RasberyPI, plugin, ProtoType PCB.
As the Interface Lm339 IC is a Quad device up to four cameras could be then be synced.
Alternativly Chime/Beep and/or Blink/Blink-Af could be done for twined cameras.
The Advance/Retard phase is measured against the master, high-speed "Clock" in the RasberyPi which then, continuously, calculates:-
The Advance/Retard phase period-#1 and the USB-Remote-Sync pulse for Camera #1.
The Advance/Retard phase period-#2 and the USB-Remote-Sync pulse for Camera #2.
The Advance/Retard phase period-#3 and the USB-Remote-Sync pulse for Camera #3.
The Advance/Retard phase period-#4 and the USB-Remote-Sync pulse for Camera #4.
Thus the USB-Remote-Sync pulse's are pre-calculated and just waiting for a a shoot command.
Other suitable Man in the Middle, Mips-based Controllers, running Basic or Pic32-Lua.
Develop, using Basic, the Sync-Prototype software on a Maximite:-
Here ....
http://geoffg.net/maximite.html In field use a Mini-Maximite:-
Here ....
http://geoffg.net/mini-maximite.html ---=== Sync-Mk3 [etc.] ===---
"Sync-Mk3" Concept and More-To-Post's:-
Sync-Still's:- Camera Clock & "Set"/"Reset" sync concept.
Sync-Video's:- Links to 3D Sync concept.
Sync-Continous:- Based on a modified Lapsers-Build & CHDK-script.
LibCeC Software:- Windows link, RasberyPi link
Canon HDMI-CeC:- Cec-Tx & Cec-Rx in Ixus 125 ROM Dump.
Canon CeC-Script?:- In Newer Canon ROM Dumps.
Canon Serial:- Discovery
HDMI-Hardware-Hack:- Link/Concept
Ext-Usb-Hardware-Hack:- Link/Concept
Multi-Cam Unique Drivers:- Now working for Win-Xp, Vista, Win-7, Win-8.
Experimental Parts List:-
Google Home Work:-"Sync-Seperator" Patents [and Pic-TV Link]
Happy-Hacking By H-H