Hi All!,
---=== sync'ing 3D video ===---
A summary of my current wip.
---=== Key Concepts ===---
The H-H "Pre-Set"/"Re-Set" sync/initalation concept.
Man in the Middle concept.
---=== Un-Posted ===---
1/ Canon Legacy-Serial discoveries.
2/ Canon HDMI discoveries.
3/ Concept Graphics.
4/ Mode Map CHDK tests/updates.
5/ AF_Led CHDK tests/updates.
6/ Aspect Ratio CHDK tests/updates
7/ HDMI-Hardware "Hacks".
8/ Unique CHDK Multi-Cam Drivers for Xp, Vista, Win-7/8; CHDK-PtP tests/updates.
9/ Non-Rotating 360x180 3D P&S Multi-Camera Array.
---=== IDEA! Sync Mk1 ===---
1/ Legacy Compatible, Simple, Cheap, No/Some extra Hardware.
2/ Problems; Camera system Clock Drift, USB jitter, Camera Lag, A Camera Resource Hog, Slow, Lacks Intra-Camera communications.
3/ Canon's USB-HotPlug detection, hardware, is subject to change "With-Out Notice". [i.e. Camera Model dependant]
4/ Assumes availability of Sd-Tv Vertical Sync. Thus HD-Tv may be un-available.
---=== IDEA! Sync Mk1a ===---
1/ Intra-Camera communications via Legacy "Serial" internal-port.
2/ Intra-Camera communications via USB (or puseo-printer ?).
3/ Attempts to "Reduce" USB jitter via Legacy "Serial" internal-port.
---=== IDEA! Sync Mk1b ===---
1/ Problems; Intra-Camera communications via Legacy "Serial" internal-port, implies/means dissassembly of the cameras.
2/ Why not just "Hardwire" the cameras Power-On/Half/Shoot/buttons to a sutible connector,

, and solve the Sync/USB jitter problem.
3/ Problems; Camera Drift, Camera Lag, Sd-Card lag, and Buffer-Full loss of Sync,
---=== IDEA! Sync Mk2a ===---
1/ Legacy Compatible, more complex, more expensive, extra Hardware required.
2/ Problems; Slow, Uses the Man in the Middle concept.
3/ Attempts to "Reduce" camera system Clock Drift, USB jitter, Camera Lag.
---=== IDEA! Sync Mk3 ===---
1/ Legacy In-Compatible, much more complex, much more expensive, much more extra Hardware required.
2/ Uses HDMI Cameras, Uses the Man in the Middle concept, much faster, modular, epandable, flexible.
3/ Problems; CHDK-HDMI hacks required, Additional software required.
4/ Attempts to "Reduce" camera system Clock Drift, USB jitter, and Camera Lag, via HDMI "Control".
6/ HDMI is Video Play-Back only, Live View is Un-supported, however, HDMI "Control" supports a "Rich" set of commands.
7/ Utilises Lua and PtP.
---=== HDMI! Mk3 & Good News ===---
1/ HDMI is "Standardised" and subject to change with "Notice".
2/ CHDK-HDMI hack required; There is not a lot of code in the ROM Dumps I have looked at.
3/ CHDK-HDMI hack required; A lot of code in the ROM Dumps appear to be similar.
4/ CHDK-HDMI hack required; Some cameras appear to have "Missing Link" HDMI code. [ i.e. Tx and Rx]
5/ Lots of interest in HDMI-Hacking according to Mr. Google.
6/ Some HDMI-Hardware hacks are simple and cheap.
---=== Comments! or Ideas! ===---
! sync'ing 3D video !
Is there something missing!.
Is there something confusing!.
Is there something wrong!.
Is HDMI worth revisiting!.
"..!.. this project is "dead!" before it starts ..!.."
David!,,,,,,, Anyone!.
---=== .!. ===---
Happy-Hacking By H-H
Every "Sync" method will have, some, advantages and dis-advantages.