So far I can't get the exposure compensation to work for an external flash though.
Quote from: philmoz on 27 / June / 2013, 08:25:58So far I can't get the exposure compensation to work for an external flash though.Does that mean the external flash TTL works and adjusts the exposure with TV, Av, Sv locked in manual but you just can't adjust/offset/compensate the exposure?
Phil,Basically all I want is all the features of M mode with the strobe changed from Manual to Auto (or eTTL if you will). See my previous post about safety shift being enabled when auto flash is enabled. Sounds like I need the strobe changed to auto and ensure that safety shift is OFF always in M mode. That would be exactly what I'm looking for and would make you a God amongst mere mortals and a hero in my eyes Thanks!Jim
I've added a new menu option to force Auto flash and renamed the old one to indicate it is for Manual flash.
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