Quote from: ahull on 12 / August / 2013, 04:07:12The external triggers tend to be pulses. I need some sort of signal to keep the power on, until the camera has completed its task. I don't want the lights going out while we are in mid shot. So you want to turn off the power supply as well as the camera then? As mentioned above, a CHDK script can turn the camera off on its own when its done shooting.
The external triggers tend to be pulses. I need some sort of signal to keep the power on, until the camera has completed its task. I don't want the lights going out while we are in mid shot.
Just in passing, I was testing an SX20is powered from an external source (6V battery, buck/boost converter).I turned the camera off.Fifteen seconds later it turned itself on !!!Hmmm ............
Does the SX20 IS turn on automatically when the buck converter is attached?
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