I've also noticed it takes quite some time to make the boxes.
The 'bird boxes' are completely home built and include a tilting camera platform, battery and timer.
At wide-angle, that means the 45mm hole needs a lot of chamfering on the lower half but done in such a way that a passer-by just sees the 45mm hole.
It also needs to be reasonably water-tight at all joins and the rear has to be easily removable for replacing the battery when up a ladder.
What battery are you using?
Ebay # 130918293482
How long do you expect the camera to run?
Six days if always on, screen blanked and shooting every 15 minutes from 8am to 4pm.
Eighteen days if only turning on from 8am to 4pm, screen blanked and shooting every 15 minutes.
However, it would be wise to check the rig more often than that.
The camera seems quite accessible by anyone, are you not afraid that people will take it or perhaps touch it and therefore move it?
Well, you cannot tell from that photo how accessible it is.
In fact, even though it is only 50 metres from a busy main road, it is not a location that anyone ever visits.
There is no path through it, it is not open woodland, there are lots of fallen trees and you have to wade across a stream to reach it.
That said, your rig needs to be of such a value that you will accept its total loss if necessary.