GCC compiling: link-time Optimisation - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

GCC compiling: link-time Optimisation

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GCC compiling: link-time Optimisation
« on: 04 / July / 2013, 20:25:06 »
disclaimer:  i'm not much of a programmer

for compiling CHDK  for a gcc newer than ~4.6.X they have link-time optimization (-flto)
where for composite linked files  there are optimized again during the integration
and for some files it makes them a bit faster but also
with a much ~10%-to-few times
smaller file size

but flto needs to be specified in BOTH CFLAGS and LDFLAGS

but currently not compatible the elf flt  file format thing
unless something done  to fix it
« Last Edit: 09 / July / 2013, 20:25:01 by pwcal2 »


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