Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input - page 12 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input

  • 199 Replies
Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #110 on: 25 / January / 2014, 17:46:29 »
Yes that was a no brainer. Lit for a 1/1000th of a second. I am so damn happy with that!

Waterwingz, special thanks to you again. Without your help I would not have it running. Great!
« Last Edit: 25 / January / 2014, 18:09:33 by Karmaschinken »

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #111 on: 25 / January / 2014, 20:06:48 »
Now having looked at the images, it seems that this method of sync is really much more secure as the one I used before. If you have a look at the results there is almost no difference to notice most of the time.

But 5 or 6 shots out of the 372 aren't synched that good. These show delays of maybe 12-15 1000th of a second. If I understand right what I photographed here. :-)

The green/yellow stripes are probably the result of a broken Eye-Fi card I had in the camera. All shots where made at TV 1/1000, no overrides. The different brightness is due to the angles the cameras where pointing to the LEDs.

Tomorrow I'll do some deeper tests I think, with equal cards too...
« Last Edit: 25 / January / 2014, 20:14:20 by Karmaschinken »

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #112 on: 25 / January / 2014, 20:17:04 »
But 5 or 6 shots out of the 372 aren't synched that good. These are like "impacts" that endure for three or four shots and show delays of maybe 12-15 1000th of a second. If I understand right what I photographed here. :-)
Sounds like what I found too. I posted results here:
and subsequent testing & playing the remote sync code never totally eliminated the occassional shot that was 30 mSec (always 30) early.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #113 on: 25 / January / 2014, 20:46:03 »
Hmmm. Yes, that's probably it. I suppose you have already spent some thoughts on this? Do you think there might be a solution for this phenomenon?  ::)

Is it save to screw and try a little in the precision sync routine?
« Last Edit: 25 / January / 2014, 20:51:01 by Karmaschinken »

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #114 on: 25 / January / 2014, 21:27:28 »
Hmmm. Yes, that's probably it. I suppose you have already spent some thoughts on this? Do you think there might be a solution for this phenomenon?  ::)  Is it save to screw and try a little in the precision sync routine?
Reading the forum thread, there was not a lot of testing done earlier - just a few tens of shots and a declaration of "victory".  For simple stereo photography, the patch is a big improvement and works quite well.  For 50 camera rigs it still might not be enough.

I did quite a bit of testing with my LED rig and made some code changes that seemed to make sense and to help to tighten things up.  Philmoz and I conversed about options and things to try.  I still have those patch files but it takes a lot of testing to know for sure.  So I bought a second used camera (A1200) cheap on eBay to speed up the process.  Need to get back to that.

A couple of months ago when I sent you the sync patch I was hoping to find out if it was just the A1200 or if other cams had the same problem.  But even with those results,  its still a lot better than the old sync code or no sync at all.
« Last Edit: 25 / January / 2014, 22:02:54 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #115 on: 25 / January / 2014, 21:49:14 »
If there is anything I can do please tell me. Now that I will have ptp running it would be no problem to e.g. collect log files of some kind after each shot.

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #116 on: 26 / January / 2014, 00:02:51 »
If there is anything I can do please tell me. Now that I will have ptp running it would be no problem to e.g. collect log files of some kind after each shot.
Log files are not going to be any help.   This is all about comparing images.

If your 50 camera rig allowed downloading different versions of CHDK quickly,  shooting in sync mode a few times,  uploading all the images,  and making composite images of all 50 shots for quick comparison,  then it would help a lot!

Otherwise this is a slow iterative set of trial & error tests.  Which is what has taken me so long.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #117 on: 26 / January / 2014, 11:22:51 »
Well actually I can upload different versions of CHDK automatically, do dome test shots and then download and compare them, but this is fine tuning I will have to do later. For now I have to live with the sync, because I have to make the system run as a whole.

Now I was thinking how to put the hardware together and made a small schematic drawing for clarifying myself and maybe to show here how the system is built, maybe someone wants to build a rig, I hope this is a little overview of some use then.

When using the battery sensor as a trigger, CHDKPTP for communication and also a external power supply for the cameras, each camera is connected to three devices:

1. Trigger device (in my case Arduino)
2. CHDKPTP-device (in my case Window 7 PC)
3. Power device

Now to make things easier to connect a camera I was thinking to feed +/- of the power supply to a normal USB Cable and the trigger signal coming from the Arduino to the same USB cables data wires.

At the cameras side I would then have a male USB connector which would be plugged to a female USB connector and would get power and trigger signal in one go this way.

Now I wonder if this is really a good idea. Would you think that there are some drawbacks when having both the power from the power supplies and the trigger signal in one single convential USB-Cable?

Please have a look at the schematic attached. What's your opinion?
« Last Edit: 26 / January / 2014, 11:24:45 by Karmaschinken »

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #118 on: 26 / January / 2014, 13:12:41 »
Please have a look at the schematic attached. What's your opinion?
This should work fine. 

However,  I am curious about :
  • How you will tie all the grounds / 0 volt lines together? 
  • How are you powering your Arduino?
  • Are the 240V to 4.5V power supplies "isolated"?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #119 on: 26 / January / 2014, 13:44:35 »
Thank you!

2.: Until now I have powered the Arduino directly from the USB-Port of my notebook. But I also have a  Voltcraft PS1152A I could use. What would you suggest?

3.: What do you mean by "isolated" power supplies? At the moment 5 blocks of each 10 power supplies are wired together into a single 240V cable that goes into the normal 240V socket. I attached a picture.

1.: I did not intend to put the grounds all together yet, now your question already implies I should, right?  ::)

Any advice appreciated very much! Thanks ! Martin...

« Last Edit: 26 / January / 2014, 13:46:13 by Karmaschinken »


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