Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input - page 5 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input

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Offline ahull

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Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #40 on: 16 / January / 2014, 18:55:40 »
By the way,  I also need the "open battery door"  hack. Where can I find this? Do you know?

Does the hack actually let you boot with the door open, or just open it after booting?

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #41 on: 16 / January / 2014, 19:04:17 »
Does the hack actually let you boot with the door open, or just open it after booting?
Both.   But it's a two step hack.  You mask the door switch in kbd.c  and you add a bit of code in boot.c.   The boot.c part is something reyalp discovered,  I'll see if I can find that post.

Update :
« Last Edit: 16 / January / 2014, 19:07:36 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #42 on: 17 / January / 2014, 08:47:39 »
Thanks for your messages!

I have finished my 54-channel sync-speed-tester which I will in future always have with me when setting up the rig, to see if sync works as expected. Have been soldering for hours, please don't judge the soldering!  :)

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #43 on: 17 / January / 2014, 09:36:52 »
Please, could you verify my understanding of the electric layout I have to solder? I attached it as a picture.

I looked at the post from ahull which is of course very easy, but nevertheless I would feel much better if someone could verify whether I understood his drawing or not.

And could you also please tell me if I should have the two resistors in the layout? Every part that is added has to be soldered 50 times as I have 50 cameras, so it would be very nice to have the easiest layout. On the other hand, if there is any chance to prevent the cameras from being damaged I would take the way with the extra efforts, of course.

Thanks a lot!

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #44 on: 17 / January / 2014, 09:47:20 »
And could you also please tell me if I should have the two resistors in the layout? Every part that is added has to be soldered 50 times as I have 50 cameras, so it would be very nice to have the easiest layout. On the other hand, if there is any chance to prevent the cameras from being damaged I would take the way with the extra efforts, of course.
I'm guessing that you just need a switch to ground.  However,  if you want to be safe,  a single series 1K0 resistor is probably wise.   

Please be sure to experiment with the resistor values (using the script I previously posted) prior to starting your assembly process - which even circuit you decide to use.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #45 on: 17 / January / 2014, 10:43:02 »
What do you mean by "a single series 10K"? For me a "series" consists of at least two thus can't be single.  ???

If I should have only one resistor in the setup, which one should stay? The one nearby the switch or the other one? Layout A or Layout B? I suppose it does not matter, just the values are different?
« Last Edit: 17 / January / 2014, 10:45:31 by Karmaschinken »


Offline ahull

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Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #46 on: 17 / January / 2014, 10:49:06 »
Plan A looks better, the switch in series with the resistor will stop you from shorting the input to ground, not I suspect that it would do any damage, but best not to find out the hard way.


Offline nafraf

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Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #47 on: 17 / January / 2014, 10:51:44 »
What do you mean by "a single series 10K"? For me a "series" consists of at least two thus can't be single.  ???
"Series" refers to how the components are connected.

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #48 on: 17 / January / 2014, 10:55:57 »
Me: ::)

Re: Battery third (temp) terminal as multipurpose analogue input
« Reply #49 on: 17 / January / 2014, 11:05:42 »
Btw.: What is the final opinion about the ominous interior parts of the dummy? If I could omit them I would probably make the dummies from wood.

In can't find the original Canon dummy, but if you want me to measure something on the board, I have a voltmeter.


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