One minute ago I posted the link. All I can say until now I got the PhotoMos working to switch an LED.
As said the PhotoMos was invented while I discussed the switching of the USB-cable, before waterwingz showed me the AD trigger way discussed here. It was said that the switch should loose a minimum of current, because it was meant to be situated in a USB cable that is at the same time used for PTP.
Now maybe the PhotMos is somewhat oversized? I already baught Mosfets. The thing is that I would be more happy to spend some extra bucks to be on the sure side with the components. Nothing worse than find out after some time that sync isn't reliable or something like that. Okay, the photomos is about $1.80 each, thus $80 all in all, but the work takes hours, even days. So I'd really like to be on the doubled assured way.
The last setup I had was a Y-switch, a cable that was split to the 50 USB ports, the commonly used remote setup for CHDK. There I had some severe sync problems. You will see that in some days when my first Bullet-Time-LAPSE project (maybe worlds first of this kind?) will be presented online. There I have some real delay in it. I can't say for sure what the reason was, might also have been because I did have a old CHDK version and no precision sync patch from waterwingz these days. However the problem resulted in a great loss of quality for a very sophisticated project.
So I have no problem to spend 50 extra bucks to make everything as secure as possible. If there is only 0.005% of extra security, I'll go for that. I have 50 cameras, one fault is 50 times as evil as a "normal" one...