pc capture burst mode with manual trigger? - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

pc capture burst mode with manual trigger?

  • 2 Replies
pc capture burst mode with manual trigger?
« on: 17 / July / 2013, 23:23:48 »
EDIT: Any camera that can capture at >2fps would work for my application. I have a 350D that seems to be supported by CHDK that has enough speed.

EDIT2: I have an SX200IS with CHDK installed, which has 0.8 fps. Not ideal, but I should be able to work with it, if I can run it at that speed and run other commands between shutter presses.

When using my camera (Canon 60D) manually, I can take multiple pictures by depressing the shutter button every 0.3 - 0.5 seconds, and there is no delay in taking pictures. This isn't the same as just holding down the shutter though and getting the maximum frame rate possible, as I can wait a little longer before taking the next shot if I want to. Now I want to write a script running on my computer to do this for me, but also have it run some other code (language doesn't matter too much. ex. BASH, C, python, lua, ...) between shots.

So for example I would like to script something like this:


Code: [Select]
takepic();    # there should be no delay between this command and the next (<10ms)
echo just took picture 1!
sleep 0.2

takepic();    # there should be no delay between this command and the next (<10ms)
echo just took picture 2!
sleep 0.2

takepic();     # there should be no delay between this command and the next (<10ms)
echo just took picture 3!

downloadpics(); # download all 3 files from the camera to the computer


is there any way I can do this with CHDK or any other tool?

« Last Edit: 18 / July / 2013, 23:19:29 by waspinator »


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: pc capture burst mode with manual trigger?
« Reply #1 on: 18 / July / 2013, 10:06:01 »
Canon 60D
is there any way I can do this with CHDK or any other tool?
CHDK doesn't support DSLRs, so CHDK-related tools will not work. Canon's SDK does support camera remote control, and you could probably use gphoto too. No idea about further details, I personally have no experience with DSLRs.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: pc capture burst mode with manual trigger?
« Reply #2 on: 18 / July / 2013, 14:33:02 »
EDIT: Any camera that can capture at >2fps would work for my application. I have a 350D that seems to be supported by CHDK that has enough speed.
Once again, CHDK only supports Canon compact cameras. The list is here: http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Template:Supported_Cameras
The 350D hack (I don't know whether it has a name) is not CHDK, and it doesn't support scripts: http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=4202

If you'd like to get more than 2 frames / second, you need a camera that is able to shoot that fast (in continuous mode). Check the camera's specifications. If you want an exact shooting rate, you may get that with the help of a certain forum member.


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