bug? set_aflock(1) crashes A470 1.02c - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

bug? set_aflock(1) crashes A470 1.02c

  • 5 Replies
bug? set_aflock(1) crashes A470 1.02c
« on: 29 / July / 2013, 17:39:17 »


I'm not sure if anyone else has encountered this but while attempting to set_aflock(1) my camera crashes, it immediately shuts down. I've tried invoking set_aflock in a .lua script and chdkptp console.

Code: [Select]
connected: Canon PowerShot A470, max packet size 64
con> list
*1:Canon PowerShot A470 b=001 d=039 v=0x4a9 p=0x317a s=7FF1D1BE1F8146C1A7BDE032EEDCA340
con> rec
con 1> =set_aflock(0)
con 2> =set_aflock(1)
unexpected return code 0x2fd
ERROR: ptp error

note set_aflock(0) doesn't crash.

I'm attempting to maximize the number of RAW images I can take per minute by locking focus, minimizing jpeg resolution and jpeg image processing. I've read a few forum posts that suggest 2-3s is the minimum but I'm stuck at 4-9s. I know it's been discussed before but perhaps in future releases the option to not save jpegs could be implemented? 

canon a470 1.02c
chdk 1.1.0 2870

suggestions welcome, help appreciated,


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: bug? set_aflock(1) crashes A470 1.02c
« Reply #1 on: 29 / July / 2013, 18:10:59 »
Same camera, fw version, recent CHDK 1.2 build: no crash.
Your OS may have components that access the camera when it's connected. I don't have any of these enabled. Not sure if the crash has anything to do with this.
Try to describe in detail how you're setting up the camera and the computer to do what's in your example (when and how is the cam started, when are you connecting it to the PC, etc).

Try to make a romlog (miscellaneous stuff -> debug...), and upload it here, maybe that could show some details.

About raw: are you collecting them on the card, or try to transfer them to the computer after shooting? As this camera has crippled (12Mb/s) USB, the latter can't be fast.
Not saving jpegs: this is actually implemented, but it's only enabled when using the new 'remote shooting over USB' feature of CHDK 1.2.

Re: bug? set_aflock(1) crashes A470 1.02c
« Reply #2 on: 29 / July / 2013, 18:58:03 »
I'm attempting to maximize the number of RAW images I can take per minute by locking focus, minimizing jpeg resolution and jpeg image processing. I've read a few forum posts that suggest 2-3s is the minimum but I'm stuck at 4-9s. I know it's been discussed before but perhaps in future releases the option to not save jpegs could be implemented? 
Using a high speed SD card ( Class 10 ) makes a substantial difference too.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: bug? set_aflock(1) crashes A470 1.02c
« Reply #3 on: 30 / July / 2013, 15:09:33 »
Well it seems very strange. But after enabling the romlog I was unable to reproduce the problem all day. When the romlog is disabled it crashes on any set_aflock(1) call. It did however crash when I accidentally tried to lock af twice in a row, without unlocking it. I guess I'll just enable the romlog and then not double lock it!

In terms of my setup it's just the packages I described above:
chdk 1.1.0 2870

Running on a pi with raspbian 'wheezy' OS. I'm connecting to the camera using the chdkptp-sample.sh with the correct paths set and -i -c.

Thanks for your suggestions for speeding up the shooting. I am using a Kingston 32GB, class 10 SDHC card and saving the pictures there. I think the issue may just be that the exposure time, flash, and auto focus aren't actually doing what I'm trying to tell them to do.



Offline srsa_4c

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Re: bug? set_aflock(1) crashes A470 1.02c
« Reply #4 on: 30 / July / 2013, 15:51:22 »
Thx for the log. I noticed (see last lines of the log) that the cam was in powersave mode (display off) when you attempted the AF lock. I was able to reproduce the crash, but only under this condition. If this really is the actual problem, make sure that the cam is awake when you attempt to lock the focus (remember, this condition can never happen without CHDK). You can press a button from a script for example (or disable power save mode).

Re: bug? set_aflock(1) crashes A470 1.02c
« Reply #5 on: 30 / July / 2013, 16:19:43 »
Ah yes, correlation does not imply causation. When not in power save I can lock AF over and over with no problem.

Thanks for your help.


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