1) Does anyone have estimates (observed or estimated) for voltage ranges (hi and lo) that this kind of camera operates within? I'm building a LDO voltage regulator for my system and easiest solution is to use a chip that supplies 3.3v. Does anyone have an opinion on whether this voltage is too low to power the camera?
2) How much current draw do you estimate for this camera shooting and writing a single picture (mA / picture) ? I'm using the script under the most power-saving settings that I can achieve.
Does anyone have a good way to convert this voltage usage into mA used? From what I understand, I would need to know either the resistance of the circuit or power.
I can't imagine that my test used all the 760 mA that the battery is rated for.
I've ran a quick test on the stock NB-4L 760mA battery to get a baseline. It seems that the camera was ready to shutdown when the battery hit 3.7v.
Just for reference, your battery is rated as 760mAH - the H is important. It means the battery, when it was new, would put out 760 mA of current for one hour. Or 1520 mA of current for 30 minutes. Or 380 mA of current for 2 hours.
This seems odd, since the nominal voltage of a LiON battery should be ~3.7 volts. It will be a bit higher fresh off the charger, but I'd expect it to sag to 3.7ish pretty quickly.
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