IXUS75 - SD750 1.02a Dump, IDB, and zipped source tree - Firmware Dumping - CHDK Forum

IXUS75 - SD750 1.02a Dump, IDB, and zipped source tree

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IXUS75 - SD750 1.02a Dump, IDB, and zipped source tree
« on: 12 / April / 2008, 11:19:27 »
I have been trying for a few weeks now to get this thing going, and ahven't had much luck. I've stepped through all the files I can find and modified them according to my IDB file. I could really use some help.

Verdict so far: Camera reboots, nothing happens. I even changed pakwif.c to edit the version number
to make it to no avail.

So, I am posting my SD750 1.02a dump, my SD750 ida database, and my zipped source
tree in the hopes that somebody else can work on this for a while.

Good luck!

IDA Pro .idb file: sd750is1.02a.idb - 38.77MB
SD750 1.02a Dump: sd750-1.02a.dum - 8.00MB
RAR Archive - platform/IXUS75-SD750: ixus75_sd750.rar - 3.05MB


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