I have an a560 which had a broken lens cover, which I had to take apart the camera to fix. I managed to fix that, and in the process broke the zoom button. After a lot of fiddling I got the zoom working, only to find the shutter button has stopped working now, which is really more of an issue than the zoom was...
I'm completely new to CHDK, it was the reason I bought a cheap used a560 in the first place, but I can hardly test it out without a working shutter button!
Firstly, can anyone think of why the shutter button might have stopped working? I've checked all the connections and everything seems to be fine, and everything else on the camera is working normally, as far as I can tell.
Secondly, assuming it isn't possible to fix the actual button, is it possible to remap one of the other buttons to be used as the shutter button instead? I would probably use the display button, and make it long press for half press, and quick press for full press.