Activating CHDK on a Powershot G7 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Activating CHDK on a Powershot G7

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Activating CHDK on a Powershot G7
« on: 12 / August / 2013, 08:55:27 »
I was having trouble getting CHDK to run on a Powershot G7. I figured it out, but here is the answer for others who search here.

The G7 has a print/ALT button in a different place than the other Powershots I have. I thought it was above and to the right of the SET button.  On the G7, it's way up on the left, near the ISO wheel.

Couldn't sleep last night, so I set up CHDK by the light of my laptop.  I was confounded for a long time until I got up and turned on a light.  :) :)  The ALT button still has a blue LED that flashes when you start CHDK, if you pay attention better than me. :-[

Once you find the ALT (print) button, CHDK works like always. :-[


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