I have removed battery, standard and internal (button type). Cleared SD card, connected to PC via USB... No success...
Have you tried with no card installed at all? Depending on exactly how you "cleared" the card, it's possible for some remnants of CHDK to be left. The camera should boot with no card and just say "No memory card" or something like that.
If you have tried without a card and still have the problem, let us know, there may be some debugging steps someone here can come up with.
Up to now, there has been no report CHDK causing this kind of harm. That's not to say it is impossible, but it's definitely not a known risk from using the wrong version.
Going from
http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Canon_error_codes it looks like E32 is an IS related error. It seems unlikely to me that trying to load the wrong version could cause permanent damage to the IS system, but who knows...
A list of this kind of incident is kept at
http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Camera_failures_suspected_to_be_caused_by_CHDK feel free to add yours.
So it sounds like CHDK is going out of control if you load the wrong version for the camera.
I would not jump to the conclusion that the OP's problem was caused by CHDK. It's possible, but there are other possibilities.
Maybe Phil or reyalp can figure out a way to check that the camera and CHDK version are compatible at the beginning of the loader before doing anything else?
For cameras with different diskboot encodings, this is impossible, because the camera simply decodes the image using the wrong keys and tries to execute it. CHDK is never executed. It might be possible to check the PID and possibly firmware version on models that are compatible. However, it's not really clear what could be done at that point, there wouldn't be enough information to shut down cleanly or display a message. You could trigger an exception, but I suspect even the exception handler code would be hosed at that point. maybe a romstarter exception handler?