S5IS CHDK allbest #50-388 incorrect RAW date - RAW Shooting and Processing - CHDK Forum

S5IS CHDK allbest #50-388 incorrect RAW date

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Offline sunmoon

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S5IS CHDK allbest #50-388 incorrect RAW date
« on: 03 / May / 2008, 10:26:50 »
in fact after I've installed and used CHDK (50+ images) I found different dates of RAW images. today is 2008-05-03, but on my S5IS with CHDK allbest #50-388 (fw 1.01A) I got: 2000-01-01 (20%), 2007-12-23 (16%) (which is the date of the first image on my card), 2008-05-02 (8%) (which is yesterday) and 2008-05-03 (56%) (which is correct).

it seems CHDK sets file date randomly, although among several predefined dates. did somebody notice the same?



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Re: S5IS CHDK allbest #50-388 incorrect RAW date
« Reply #1 on: 03 / May / 2008, 11:26:16 »
Last I have heard, there is a known problem that the first RAW file created by CHDK (since the camera was turned on) will give the wrong date/time (for my A720IS, it is always something like 01-01-2001 12:00am--or something like that). After the first shot, the rest of the date and times were correct.

As I understand, the function that initializes the date/time parameter has not been found (at least in the DRY OS type cameras). Until that function is found--I believe that this will continue to be a problem.



Offline GrAnd

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Re: S5IS CHDK allbest #50-388 incorrect RAW date
« Reply #2 on: 04 / May / 2008, 09:40:12 »
Let's link this topic to the chain.  :D
Ouestion about date and time on files and folders.
CHDK Developer.


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