I exclude issue 2. I remeber, I used the cam with canon remote capture in past. Furthermore the S3 is listed at several pages as "full remoteable" (http://capture.sourceforge.net/, http://www.gphoto.org/doc/remote/).
You are right. I finally tried the procedure on a xp machine, as expected with no success...So #2 would be the right one.I think a have to go further into the question (is this a correct expression???).
So you can try the following in chdkptp:Code: [Select]=set_levent_active(0x1085,0)=switch_mode_usb(1)If the above doesn't work, tryCode: [Select]=set_levent_script_mode(1)=set_levent_active(0x1085,0)=switch_mode_usb(1)
If the above doesn't work, tryCode: [Select]=set_levent_script_mode(1)=set_levent_active(0x1085,0)=switch_mode_usb(1)
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