Yes but this requires more setup time. Even in continuous mode you must guess when to release the shutter button as the camera takes a fairly rapid 1.4fps (SD880) letting ago exactly after 3 shots is difficult sometimes its 4 shots and sometimes just 2 shots. The script obviously would do it correct every time if I can get it working.
In any event if anyone can offer some info on how to fix the bracketing script for the (SD880) that would be helpful. I've posted the script below as reference.
Cheers and thanks for the info.
@title Bracketing
@param a (Number images-1)/2 1..12
@default a 3
@param b Step size (1/3 EV) 1..12
@default b 2
@param c Correction (1/3 EV) -12..12
@default c 0
get_prop 25 w
get_prop 26 x
let y=1
let z=0
if a<1 then let a=1
if a>12 then let a=12
if b<1 then let b=1
if b>12 then let b=12
if c<-12 then let c=-12
if c>12 then let c=12
if y<1 then y=3
if y>3 then y=1
print ""
if y=1 then print "Num : <" 2*a+1 ">" else print "Num : " 2*a+1
if y=2 then print "Step: <" b/3,b%3 "/3>" else print "Step: " b/3,b%3 "/3"
if y=3 then print "Corr: <" c/3,c%3 "/3>" else print "Corr: " c/3,c%3 "/3"
print "[Set]=shoot [Disp]=exit"
if is_key "up" then let y=y-1
if is_key "down" then let y=y+1
if y=1 and is_key "left" then let a=a-1
if y=2 and is_key "left" then let b=b-1
if y=3 and is_key "left" then let c=c-1
if y=1 and is_key "right" then let a=a+1
if y=2 and is_key "right" then let b=b+1
if y=3 and is_key "right" then let c=c+1
if is_key "set" then z=1
if is_key "display" then z=2
until z>0
if z=2 then goto "exit1"
let d=c*32-a*b*32
for s=1 to 2*a+1
set_prop 25 d
set_prop 26 d
print "Shoot at",d/96,(d/32)%3 "/3"
get_prop 205 p
until p=0
press "shoot_full"
get_prop 205 p
until p=1
release "shoot_full"
let d=d+b*32
next s
until z=2
set_prop 25 w
set_prop 26 x