wrong forum ? new thread required ? [I only posted here because the topic includes the word 'Arduino'

- so please delete if required]
I posted the following on the Arduino forum recently - but no reply yet [maybe the 'gurus' over there are a little substandard (or maybe they were just totally confused by the 'vagueness' of my request)].
I post the same text here on the [slim ?] chance, someone has ever had need to operate a camera in concert with a projector using a microcontroller
Here's the text:
"Speed of Projector control
« on: September 28, 2013, 06:31:33 am »
"Apologies for my 'vagueness' in this first post.
I am interested in switching a projected image between a 'noise' pattern and black as quickly as possible [this related to a multicamera photogrammetry 3D mesh creation application.
The capture sequence I have in mind is:
(i) to use one mutiple bank of, synchronously triggered, cameras [in the presence of the projected "noise" pattern] to capture geometry information
then, following a short exposure time:
(ii) synchronously trigger a second multiple bank of cameras [after the projected noise pattern has 'disappeared '] to capture 'texture' information in the presence of studio flash [this also a very short exposure time]
The overall exposure time must be as short as possible due to movement of the subject.
The only Arduino serial control topic [projector related] that I have found, so far, is this http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=12665.0
The machine referred to there was a Dell MP5100 projector - the seemingly interesting point, to me, is that 'power on' seemed software controllable.
I now wonder if there is also a 'power off' software control that I can avail of, in this or other projector types - or perhaps simply software control to switch, quickly, between 2 different projected images [the 'noisy' projection and 'black'].
Timing is critical. I realise that the timing of 'reaction' to the Arduino serial control may be hidden / complex / arbitrary - but, with no experience in this subject area, I thought I would ask the question here to see if some Arduino [/projector] 'guru' might comment"