Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32

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Offline orda

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Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« on: 13 / September / 2013, 16:54:36 »
i'm new here, so i'm not sure if this is the right place to put this here.
I need some opinion of experienced people, so let me tell my story.

I have two Ixus 125 HS. One has a old waterdamage and the other one droped on the ground a few days before. That one got a bad damage on the lens.
It is possible to switch on the one with the waterdamage. The lens comes out but there is no picture on the screen (all black) and also if I take a picture it is complete black. After a min it switches off and says the e32 error. The second Ixus doesnt let the lens move anyway. As i disassambled it, the plastic inside the lens had serious damage from the drop.
So i thought it should be possible to make out of the two one working camera again.
I disassembled the lens of the Ixus with the water damage and put it into the other one.

But i got the same e32 error and the black screen/pictures but the lens is moving fine. I looked a lot in the internet with says lens or image stabilizer error but nobody has a proper solution.
At the stage i found this very nice tool here. So i put the chdk on it, and got a error log. I havent much experience with this chdk and knowlege about the possibilities or with the firmware of cameras.

My first question is if somebody can read more out of the error log as i can do? And can say me perhaps more about the error and where it comes from? Or perhaps with the chdk-tool it is possible to get more information and i dont know to use it proper?

HARDWARE DEFECT!!  ShutdownReason[9] ErrorNo[32]
Occured Time  2012:01:01 17:57:42
00019790: UI:ScreenLock
00019790: UI:ScreenUnLock
00019800: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00027270: UI:ScreenLock
00027270: UI:ScreenUnLock
00027280: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00028800: UI:ScreenLock
00028800: UI:ScreenUnLock
00028810: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00030730: UI:ScreenLock
00030730: UI:ScreenUnLock
00030750: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00033670: UI:ScreenLock
00033670: UI:ScreenUnLock
00033690: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00038400: UI:ScreenLock
00038400: UI:ScreenUnLock
00038420: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00042420: UI:ScreenLock
00042420: UI:ScreenUnLock
00042430: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00043320: UI:ScreenLock
00043320: UI:ScreenUnLock
00043330: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00044250: UI:ScreenLock
00044250: UI:ScreenUnLock
00044260: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00046770: UI:ScreenLock
00046770: UI:ScreenUnLock
00046780: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00048160: UI:ScreenLock
00048160: UI:ScreenUnLock
00048180: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00051720: UI:ScreenLock
00051720: UI:ScreenUnLock
00051740: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00053470: SystemEventInit
00053470: System.Create
00053480: GetLogToFile
00056500: UI:ScreenLock
00056500: UI:ScreenUnLock
00056510: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00060550: M:LensError.c 0x00800000
00060550: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1167:adr:0x20,Para:32
00060550: UI:DSIC:54,0
00060550: UI:DispSwCon_MuteOnPhysicalScreen
00060550: UI:Window MuteOn
00060550: UI:MuteOnPhysicalScreen
00060550: UI:DispSwCon_DisableMute
00060550: SS:#ImgSys
00060550: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x201b:adr:0x2f30,Para:12080
00060550: SS:#ImgSys 0
00060550: UI:HwErrPreShtDwn
00060550: UI:EmergencyMuteOn
00060670: UI:ScreenLock
00060670: UI:ScreenUnLock
00060930: SS:StopLens
00060930: M:LensError.c 0x20000000
00060930: SS:StrLens
00060930: M:TERM_S
00060930: M:SH_CLS_S
00060930: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00060940: M:SH_CLS_E
00060950: M:ND_OFF_S
00060970: M:ND_OFF_E
00060970: M:FC_RST_S
00061100: M:FC_RST_E
00061100: M:FC_TRM_S
00061180: M:FC_TRM_E
00061180: M:ZM_RST_S
00061820: M:ZM_RST_E
00061820: M:ZM_TRM_S
00061820: M:ZM_TRM_E
00061820: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x2004:adr:0x8,Para:8
00061820: M:TERM_E
00061820: UI:HwErrShtDwn
00061820: UI:VALDispErr
00061820: UI:TurnOnDisplay
00061820: UI:TurnOnBackLight
00061830: UI:ScreenLock
00061840: UI:Window_EmergencyRefresh
00061840: UI:Window_EmergencyRefreshPhysicalScreen
00061840: UI:Window MuteOn
00061840: UI:MuteOnPhysicalScreen
00061840: UI:DispSwCon_MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00061840: UI:Window Reduce MuteOff
00061850: UI:EmergencyShutDownDisplay

Then my thought was if the software stores the errors somewhere in the flash and with a normal newstart of the camera the error will not be reset. Perhaps canon programed something tricky like this in the software to protect the camera or to sell more service.
But I dont know anything about the software of the cameras, so perhaps somebody knows more about it and know if canon do something like it? Or if the software reads everytime again an error from the hardware.

The next thought was if the problem is perhaps a software problem, is it possible to write a working fw in the camera again? I found the right fw (101a) and compared it byte-wise with my fw dump. But there are very much differences, so that i dont know if it is a wise idee to put the fw dump from the forum here on my camera? I dont know if the dump is the complete software of the microcontroller? Or if in the software are some hardware id codes which make it very hard to change the fw? Or if it possible to change the software with the tools here? Or if i will destroy my camera (loosing the possibility to access) with doing something like that?  Do anybody know or tried something like that before? Or can give me a good advice?

Thanks for your help!


p.s. sorry for my english, i hope its possible to understand.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #1 on: 13 / September / 2013, 18:00:42 »
My first question is if somebody can read more out of the error log as i can do? And can say me perhaps more about the error and where it comes from? Or perhaps with the chdk-tool it is possible to get more information and i dont know to use it proper?

Code: [Select]
HARDWARE DEFECT!!  ShutdownReason[9] ErrorNo[32]
According to http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Canon_error_codes
e32 subcode 9 should be an IS error, probably in startup ISStart1Error

Then my thought was if the software stores the errors somewhere in the flash and with a normal newstart of the camera the error will not be reset. Perhaps canon programed something tricky like this in the software to protect the camera or to sell more service.
I think this is very unlikely. I would expect it comes from the hardware every time.
But there are very much differences, so that i dont know if it is a wise idee to put the fw dump from the forum here on my camera?
No, not wise. The ROM dump isn't just the firmware code, it includes calibration, settings, crash logs...

We don't ever overwrite the firmware, so there isn't actually a known method to take a firmware dump and flash it to the camera anyway. We know the functions that write to flash, so it shouldn't be too hard if you wanted to experiment, but it's not something we do.

The calibration data is important, if you swap lenses, sensors and mainboards around, the factory calibration will be wrong, so image quality might be affected a lot. We don't know how to do the calibration.

You can find some information about suppressing the error here: http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/User:Srsa_4c/Working_with_a_broken_camera
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #2 on: 13 / September / 2013, 18:21:15 »
But i got the same e32 error and the black screen/pictures but the lens is moving fine.
E32: as you have found, problem with the image stabilizer. There can be many reasons behind that error (damaged IS controller chip on the main board, broken flat cable, damaged/relocated IS parts inside the lens, ...). This error can however be disabled: http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=10360.msg102705#msg102705 .

My first question is if somebody can read more out of the error log as i can do? And can say me perhaps more about the error and where it comes from?
Yeah, Canon's engineers... . In your case the problem is likely a physical one, you could check every IS related component, if you have that much time and patience.

Your other issues are the real problem, you should concentrate on these:
black screen/pictures
Either the mechanical shutter is stuck (can you hear it click when you take a picture?), or there's a problem with the sensor (broken flat cable / damaged sensor).

If your mechanical shutter is OK, try switching the two CMOS sensor panels - by using the camera's original sensor, the picture quality will not degrade. The ROM contains calibration data that is specific to the camera's original sensor.


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #3 on: 14 / September / 2013, 08:52:17 »
Thx for the fast answers!

I had already working the skript for disable the error/shutdown, but thx anyway :)

The hint with the shutter was very useful.
I made a pic of the ... thing (sorry i dont know the name, also not in german :/) ... for a better understanding. I guess "2" is the shutter, but what is the little plastic "1"?

Edit: "1" is a sun visor.

I opened my camera again and throw the lever "2.1". After that, the black screen is gone and i can make pictures again. But if i dont run the skript the error and shutdown will still come.

Edit: Now the shutter is opening and closing again. I quess the other thing what i heart was the sun visor.

So thx now i have a working camera again!!!

But i would like to remove the e32 error. So i searched a bit but didnt found something useful.
Can somebody please explain me the log a bit better.

00060550: M:LensError.c 0x00800000
00060550: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1167:adr:0x20,Para:32

Has the "LogicalEvent" something to do with the error ... the wiki doesnt say much about the Events. With my understanding i interpret this lines like in "LensError.c" comes up an error and the LogicalEvent is the interrupt/exception.

What means the "M:" / "UI:"? The Para:32 is that the error? So the adr:0x20 is in dec also 32, is that a coincidence?

Thx for the error table!
Does somebody know more about the "ISStart1Error"? What does all depent to that error?

« Last Edit: 14 / September / 2013, 09:11:46 by orda »


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #4 on: 14 / September / 2013, 09:23:53 »
Edit: 1 is a sun visor.
The official name is ND filter.
But i would like to remove the e32 error.
I can make a modified CHDK build that disables E32 automatically. Which fw version does your - now working - camera have?

00060550: M:LensError.c 0x00800000 -> Gives a hint to Canon engineers about the error ;)
00060550: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1167:adr:0x20,Para:32 -> E32 is announced, a separate task will notice it and halt the cam with an error message

M: "mecha"
UI: "user interface" i.e. show E32 to the user

The Para:32 is that the error? So the adr:0x20 is in dec also 32, is that a coincidence?
That's a universal log message, those two numbers are usually set to the same value by the programmers - in this case it's the error number.

Does somebody know more about the "ISStart1Error"?
Yes, "they". Seriously, the IS is controlled by a separate CPU in the camera, it has its own firmware. From our perspective, it's a black box.


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #5 on: 14 / September / 2013, 09:58:33 »
So you also dont know what all depents on the e32 error :/
Perhaps you have some suggesstions? I have also the equipment to do some advanced stuff.

The FW is 101a. With your new build i dont have to run the skipt all the time?

Another question i have ... i saw the extra batterie physical connectet to the lens.
But as i opend it i saw no RAM or other thing at the lens where it would be needed. The connection goes also to the mainboard. I guess that there for the RAM?
« Last Edit: 14 / September / 2013, 10:34:52 by orda »


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #6 on: 14 / September / 2013, 11:08:51 »
So you also dont know what all depents on the e32 error :/
Perhaps you have some suggesstions? I have also the equipment to do some advanced stuff.
Since the software side is a black box, you could compare the hardware signals with a working camera. I still think there's a hardware fault somewhere.

The FW is 101a. With your new build i dont have to run the skipt all the time?
No, it will be done automatically after every play <-> rec mode change, see the source diff.

Another question i have ... i saw the extra batterie physical connectet to the lens.
But as i opend it i saw no RAM or other thing at the lens where it would be needed. The connection goes also to the mainboard. I guess that there for the RAM?
Can you rephrase this? I don't understand.


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #7 on: 14 / September / 2013, 18:39:17 »
The question was, why is the battery close to the lens ... but i answered it myself ;) ... It's for the non-volatile-memory on the mainboard. I the first place i was unsure if the lens or some chips (which i haven't seen) which are close to the lens need all the time some current.

Thank you very much for the special firmware !! It works fine.

Over the day i tested the camera a bit more. The camera has a problem to focus macro shots. My guess is that kind of hardware makes the error. But my knowleage about how the camera focus something is not very well, perhaps you can help me a bit.

This are the parts of the lens. "2" is normaly in "3" and it's moving with zoom in or out. "1" is at the end of both parts. Behind the lens "1.2" is the CCD-Sensor. The motor "1.1" is moving the lens "1.2".

My guess is that the job of lens "1.2" is the focusing, is that right?
« Last Edit: 14 / September / 2013, 18:41:10 by orda »


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #8 on: 15 / September / 2013, 09:24:29 »
The question was, why is the battery close to the lens ... but i answered it myself ;) ... It's for the non-volatile-memory on the mainboard.
Now I understand: that's the backup battery which provides supply for the real time clock circuit (which has some static RAM in it too).

Thank you very much for the special firmware !! It works fine.
You're welcome.

This are the parts of the lens. "2" is normaly in "3" and it's moving with zoom in or out. "1" is at the end of both parts. Behind the lens "1.2" is the CCD-Sensor. The motor "1.1" is moving the lens "1.2".

My guess is that the job of lens "1.2" is the focusing, is that right?
Yes. You'll find another lens(es) in "2", one of which is part of the IS - it's moved by the IS system. Minor nitpicking: the sensor is CMOS.


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #9 on: 25 / September / 2013, 10:33:59 »
I had a bit time to look at the lens ... but now i got a new error :/

Sometimes i get again the error e32-9, but mostly the new e18-9. Here the log.

HARDWARE DEFECT!!  ShutdownReason[9] ErrorNo[18]
Occured Time  1980:01:01 00:00:14
00000130: *** Camera Log Start ***
00000150: UI:Button:0x000010C2:WriteEnableMedia
00000160: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5001:adr:0,Para:0
00000350: M:SH_OPN_S
00000360: M:SH_OPN_E
00000360: M:ZM_RST_S
00000390: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5004:adr:0,Para:0
00000390: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1165:adr:0,Para:0
00000390: UI:_SImage
00000390: UI:SetPanelBrightnessToLcdController
00000390: UI:SetDisplayType
00000390: SS:DispChg
00000390: UI:TurnOnDisplayForStartup
00000390: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5007:adr:0,Para:0
00000390: UI:AC:PTM_Init
00000400: SS:InitPTM
00000400: SS:   0058->8004
00000400: SS:   Asp 0000->0000
00000400: SS:ImgSys
00000400: UI:RegPTM
00000400: UI:LogicalEvent:0x3010:adr:0,Para:0
00000410: SS:InitPTM
00000410: SS:   0058->8004
00000410: SS:   Asp 0000->0000
00000410: UI:LogicalEvent:0x300f:adr:0,Para:0
00000440: SS:S-Imag
00000440: SS:SoundComp
00000440: UI:VideoDrv_InitializeUiEDmacLib
00000440: UI:Initialized WindowSystem.
00000450: UI:ScreenLock
00000450: UI:ScreenUnLock
00000450: UI:LogicalEvent:0x300a:adr:0,Para:0
00000450: UI:DispSwCon_TurnOnBackLight
00000450: UI:TurnOnBackLight
00000450: UI:ScreenLock
00000450: UI:Reduce ScreenUnLock
00000480: UI:AC:ShwCaptI
00000480: UI:DSIC:53,0
00000480: UI:ScreenLock
00000480: UI:DSIC:49,1
00000490: UI:Display_CaptInfo
00000490: UI:DSIC:d4,0
00000520: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00000540: UI:MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00000540: UI:LogicalEvent:0x3138:adr:0,Para:0
00001030: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5006:adr:0,Para:0
00001030: UI:AC:DispSht
00001030: UI:DSIC:8c,0
00008140: M:LensError.c 0x00200000
00008140: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1168:adr:0,Para:0
00008140: M:LensError.c 0x20000000
00008140: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x2003:adr:0x55e36c,Para:5628780
00008140: UI:DSIC:54,0
00008140: UI:ScreenUnLock
00008150: UI:HwErrPreShtDwn
00008150: UI:EmergencyMuteOn
00008350: SS:StopLens
00008350: M:LensError.c 0x20000000
00008350: SS:StrLens
00008350: M:TERM_S
00008350: M:SH_CLS_S
00008360: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00008360: M:SH_CLS_E
00008360: M:ND_OFF_S
00008380: M:ND_OFF_E
00008380: M:FC_RST_S
00008460: M:FC_RST_E
00008460: M:FC_TRM_S
00008540: M:FC_TRM_E
00008540: M:ZM_RST_S
00008970: M:LensError.c 0x00200000
00008970: M:ZM_RST_E
00008970: M:LensError.c 0x20000000
00008970: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x2004:adr:0x8,Para:8
00008970: UI:HwErrShtDwn
00008970: UI:VALDispErr
00008970: UI:TurnOnDisplay
00008970: UI:TurnOnBackLight
00008980: UI:ScreenLock
00008990: UI:Window_EmergencyRefresh
00008990: UI:Window_EmergencyRefreshPhysicalScreen
00008990: UI:Window Reduce MuteOff
00008990: UI:DispSwCon_MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00008990: UI:Window Reduce MuteOff
00008990: UI:EmergencyShutDownDisplay

If i look in the error list than it says "1stLensTimeout".
I dismantle the whole lens and cleaned the slideways of all lenses. But i dont know which lens is the 1st. Does somebody know which lens is the first or is somebody able to read more out of the error log?
It the shoutdown reason really the "Err. Type" from the error list?

To the lens in "2". I also dismantle the one of the second camera.

There is not much space to move the lens. The magnets "4" and the coils "5" can lift up and down the lens a bit. I would guess roundabout 1 mm. I dont know much about optics more about the electronic. So i dont think that the coils can move the lens in more positions than completely up or down. I dont understand really the function of this movement.
How can that stabilize the image? Is the little movement of the lens important for the optic (zoom, focus)?

Another possiblity i can think about, that the DSP is controlling the movement to minimize the shaking of the camera. That the lens is in a floating position, but in my opion it's a bit to advance for a little camera to regulate the lens in that way.

« Last Edit: 25 / September / 2013, 12:00:12 by orda »


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