Hi All,
Demo of PeNetwork Manager connecting to a Wi-Fi Ixus 240.
Note that a PAIR (cameras #1 #2) of Ixus 240's will Inter-Connect very easily
and then transfer files from #1 to #2 and/or #2 to 1.
The main "Demo" points:-
1/ Much easier "Wi-Fi Camera" Network Managment.
2/ No Installation is required.
3/ Reliably Runs in Xp, Win-7, Win-8, Win-Blue and Win-PE versions.
4/ Win-Xp PE is recommended as everything required for CHDK Wi-Fi Development
will Simply, Reliably and Repeatably, run from a [Xp-PE style] CdRom in a RAM Drive.
5/ The LibUSB Files, etc., will need to be manualy added to the Win-Xp PE.
6/ Legacy and Serial cameras can also be supported by manualy adding UsbScan.sys, SerialScan.sys
and TWO Canon PtP-Dll's to the Win-Xp PE. The Cameras will then become a Wia/Twain "Scanner".
7/ Legacy (Serial) cameras can also be connected by Canons Legacy Remote Software in Win-Xp PE.
8/ The "Other" Canon Legacy cameras can be used in PtP Mode via LibUSB if desired/supported.
Ref #1:-
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=10724.msg105584#msg105584 reyalp's Wireless investigations #0 << on: 23/September/2013 >>
"If you had control of your own UPnP "control point", this could probably be simplified."
"The connection process contains a GUID and name, but these don't appear to need to be the same as what windows used when the connection was set up."
"If you had control of your own UPnP "control point", this could probably be simplified."
Ref #2:-
PeNetwork Manager 0.58.1 by Holger Kotsch
http://holger.winbuilder.net/Note for Ixus 140:-
a/ very similar to non Wi-Fi Ixus 115 camera.
Notes for Ixus 240:-
a/ very similar to Wi-Fi Ixus 140 camera i.e. "Wi-Fi Rom Code".
b/ very similar to Wi-Fi Ixus 125 camera i.e. "CHDK Rom Code".
c/ very similar to TouchScreen Ixus 310 camera i.e. "CHDK Rom Code".
Ref #3:-
"Other" Legacy cameras, Wia/Twain, "Scanner" & UsbScan.sys archive on request.
Ref #4:-
Canons Legacy Remote Software and SerialScan.sys stuff is not in my archive.