Sorry for the delay. Just got around to loading that firmware on the camera... the overlays are not working correctly. See screenshot.
Thanks for the screenshot. Is this what it looked like before, or a different problem ?
If you can switch to the "debug" tab, click "quick dump" and post the resulting file, that would help me understand what it is happening.
This is not a huge deal for me...
I would definitely like to get the display stuff sorted out if you are willing to help. These things are difficult without having the actual camera...
I haven't figured a way to adjust the manual focus remotely. The camera requires that you hold down the MF-button and then use the up/down buttons on the D-pad to adjust the focus, so I haven't figured a way to do that from the PTP interface.
There's not really a way to do this from the gui. You could do it with some some scripting. Something like
should move one step "up"
Or perhaps
click up or down as needed in the gui to adjust focus
Another likely problems is that you will not see the MF "point zoom" over PTP (even if I fix the bug in your screenshot), so manual focus will be difficult in any case. This isn't currently available over live view.
Also, I can't seem to "hold" down the shutter button to get burst photos (continuous shooting).
Again, not currently available from the gui, but possible with scripting.
The "remoteshoot" command does support continuous mode, but support for doing this with jpeg hasn't been added for s5. I'll look into adding this to the regular "shoot" cli command. I can post an example script if you are interested.
Unfortunately, the way the gui current works makes holding down buttons difficult. On of my long term plans is to add an "advanced control" mode that works in a different way, but time my time is limited.