Capturing data traffic between a Sony DSC-QX10 and a smartphone - page 3 - Non-CANON cameras development - CHDK Forum

Capturing data traffic between a Sony DSC-QX10 and a smartphone

  • 23 Replies
Re: Capturing data traffic between a Sony DSC-QX10 and a smartphone
« Reply #20 on: 27 / January / 2014, 17:37:13 »
Do you think I can capture one of those secrets from A7? I mean the first part you have as constant in the script? I wonder if there may be A7 functions that are simply not included in your list and thus I am not seeing/enabling them now.

I am new to Android programming. I have a nexus phone so hope it will not be hard.

Not sure what you mean here. For the QX10, the set of methods that must be passed to the actEnableMethods call does not match the set of method announced by getMethodTypes(). The latter call returns these methods:

actFormatStorage, actTakePicture, actZoom, cancelTouchAFPosition, getApplicationInfo, getAvailableApiList, getAvailableBeepMode, getAvailableCameraFunction, getAvailableExposureCompensation, getAvailableExposureMode, getAvailableFNumber, getAvailableFocusMode, getAvailablePostviewImageSize, getAvailableSelfTimer, getAvailableShootMode, getAvailableShutterSpeed, getAvailableStillSize, getAvailableWhiteBalance, getBeepMode, getCameraFunction, getEvent, getExposureCompensation, getExposureMode, getFNumber, getFocusMode, getMethodTypes, getPostviewImageSize, getSelfTimer, getShootMode, getShutterSpeed, getStillSize, getStorageInformation, getSupportedBeepMode, getSupportedCameraFunction, getSupportedExposureCompensation, getSupportedExposureMode, getSupportedFNumber, getSupportedFocusMode, getSupportedPostviewImageSize, getSupportedSelfTimer, getSupportedShootMode, getSupportedStillSize, getSupportedWhiteBalance, getTouchAFPosition, getVersions, getWhiteBalance, setBeepMode, setCameraFunction, setExposureCompensation, setExposureMode, setFNumber, setFocusMode, setPostviewImageSize, setSelfTimer, setShootMode, setStillSize, setTouchAFPosition, setWhiteBalance, startLiveview, startMovieRec, stopLiveview, stopMovieRec

while these functions are passed to "unlock" call:

actFormatStorage, cancelTouchAFPosition, getAvailableBeepMode, getAvailableCameraFunction, getAvailableExposureCompensation, getAvailableExposureMode, getAvailableFNumber, getAvailableFlashMode, getAvailableFocusMode, getAvailableIsoSpeedRate, getAvailableLiveviewSize, getAvailableMovieQuality, getAvailableShutterSpeed, getAvailableSteadyMode, getAvailableStillSize, getAvailableViewAngle, getAvailableWhiteBalance, getBeepMode, getCameraFunction, getExposureCompensation, getExposureMode, getFNumber, getFlashMode, getFocusMode, getIsoSpeedRate, getLiveviewSize, getMovieQuality, getShutterSpeed, getSteadyMode, getStillSize, getStorageInformation, getSupportedBeepMode, getSupportedCameraFunction, getSupportedExposureCompensation, getSupportedExposureMode, getSupportedFNumber, getSupportedFlashMode, getSupportedFocusMode, getSupportedIsoSpeedRate, getSupportedLiveviewSize, getSupportedMovieQuality, getSupportedProgramShift, getSupportedShutterSpeed, getSupportedSteadyMode, getSupportedStillSize, getSupportedViewAngle, getSupportedWhiteBalance, getTouchAFPosition, getViewAngle, getWhiteBalance, setBeepMode, setCameraFunction, setExposureCompensation, setExposureMode, setFNumber, setFlashMode, setFocusMode, setIsoSpeedRate, setLiveviewSize, setMovieQuality, setProgramShift, setShutterSpeed, setSteadyMode, setStillSize, setTouchAFPosition, setViewAngle, setWhiteBalance, startIntervalStillRec, startLiveviewWithSize, stopIntervalStillRec

In other words, the following methods are unlocked but not supported:

getAvailableFlashMode, getAvailableIsoSpeedRate, getAvailableLiveviewSize, getAvailableMovieQuality, getAvailableSteadyMode, getAvailableViewAngle, getFlashMode, getIsoSpeedRate, getLiveviewSize, getMovieQuality, getSteadyMode, getSupportedFlashMode, getSupportedIsoSpeedRate, getSupportedLiveviewSize, getSupportedMovieQuality, getSupportedProgramShift, getSupportedShutterSpeed, getSupportedSteadyMode, getSupportedViewAngle, getViewAngle, setFlashMode, setIsoSpeedRate, setLiveviewSize, setMovieQuality, setProgramShift, setShutterSpeed, setSteadyMode, setViewAngle, startIntervalStillRec, startLiveviewWithSize, stopIntervalStillRec

Also, out of curiosity I tried to remove some methods names from the parameter "methods" passed to actEnableMethods(). This results always in an error. So I am not sure if it worth the effort to try to call actEnableMethods() with any other value of the methods parameter than that used by smite and which i also observed with my logging proxy for smartmemories.

Of course I am not sure, but I think your best bet for now is to play with the methods listed by getMethodTypes().

Re: Capturing data traffic between a Sony DSC-QX10 and a smartphone
« Reply #22 on: 30 / January / 2014, 03:31:53 »
FWIW, the unpacker at is succesfull on this update.  :D

Re: Capturing data traffic between a Sony DSC-QX10 and a smartphone
« Reply #23 on: 15 / September / 2016, 01:58:17 »
Thank you all for your sharing.

The unpack tool is now at



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