Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32 - page 2 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32

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Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #10 on: 25 / September / 2013, 16:01:21 »
I had a bit time to look at the lens ... but now i got a new error :/

Sometimes i get again the error e32-9, but mostly the new e18-9. Here the log.

If i look in the error list than it says "1stLensTimeout".

I'll quote myself:
To see the exact error list, you can use the following:
Code: [Select]
This will create a file named firminfo.txt in the root of the card.
The Canon sub-error codes tend to change slightly over camera generations, firminfo.txt will show you the real error text.
I dismantle the whole lens and cleaned the slideways of all lenses. But i dont know which lens is the 1st.
It's the first timeout, not the first lens. There aren't too many lenses that move:
- focus lens
- zoom lens group in the tube (moved as one unit)
- the IS lens (this one is on your latest image)

00000360: M:ZM_RST_S
00008140: M:LensError.c 0x00200000

That looks like the zoom lens couldn't be reset (ZM - zoom, RST - reset, S - start), and the operation times out. The reason could be mechanical or there might be a problem with the photointerruptor that detects the lens unit's position.

It the shoutdown reason really the "Err. Type" from the error list?

To the lens in "2". I also dismantle the one of the second camera.

There is not much space to move the lens. The magnets "4" and the coils "5" can lift up and down the lens a bit. I would guess roundabout 1 mm. I dont know much about optics more about the electronic. So i dont think that the coils can move the lens in more positions than completely up or down. I dont understand really the function of this movement.
How can that stabilize the image? Is the little movement of the lens important for the optic (zoom, focus)?

Another possiblity i can think about, that the DSP is controlling the movement to minimize the shaking of the camera. That the lens is in a floating position, but in my opion it's a bit to advance for a little camera to regulate the lens in that way.
I'm not an expert either, but that lens is the IS lens, unrelated to focus and zoom. If there's a problem with it, you'll get one of the e32 errors, not e18.


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #11 on: 26 / September / 2013, 10:25:40 »
so got the FirmInfo, it says ZoomLensError ... is that right that i havent a MechaDSP Firm Ver.?

Canon IXUS 125 HS
P-ID:3241  PAL D
Firmware Ver GM1.01A (
Adj Ver.003.012             
Serial No. 523023314968
Build: Jun  7 2012   17:17:15

Mecha Firm Ver.  3.01
MechaDSP Firm Ver.  0.00

1980.01.01 00:00:08  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:14  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:07  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:08  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:07  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 ZoomLensError

you say it could be the photointerruptor ... here is the only one i found "6" ... but that can only say if the lens is completely retracted ... the related pin is "6.1". I'll check the signal but i dont think that is has a defect. Are the perhaps other ones?

When i switch on the camera, the lens mostly drives in and out ... it doesnt sound or look like that the motor has any trouble to do that.

« Last Edit: 26 / September / 2013, 11:01:43 by orda »


Offline ahull

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #12 on: 26 / September / 2013, 12:06:10 »
It could also be loose gears or stripped teeth, if the mech doesn't move between its two extremes correctly (because something is jammed or slipping) you may get this sort of error. Sand or grit in the works is the usual culprit, but liquid spills, particularly sticky drinks, could also be the cause. 

BTW I am most impressed that you have managed to dismantle and re-assemble that mechanism, it isn't easy.


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #13 on: 26 / September / 2013, 13:22:45 »
BTW I am most impressed that you have managed to dismantle and re-assemble that mechanism, it isn't easy.
I used the 2rd camera for practice ... so it was only a patience work.

I cleaned the whole lens specially to be sure there is nothing like sand in the slideways. There i didnt found something what could jam the movement of the zoom or IS lens. And i blow away the very little dust which was around the slideways, guide grooves and guide pins.

Could i be that the motor of the zoom give a position signal?

I checked the signal of the photointerruptor "6". It's fine. If the pin goes into the sensor (or the lens is retracted) the voltage level goes from HI to LO. HI is nealy the voltage of the powersupply. LO is 0V. At first view it looks O.K. for me.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #14 on: 26 / September / 2013, 14:01:44 »
Could i be that the motor of the zoom give a position signal?
Yes! There is must be a "zoom encoder" near the zoom motor.

Additionally, the ixus65 also has a photointerruptor named "zoom reset".


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #15 on: 26 / September / 2013, 16:28:02 »
made a mistake :/ ... i wanted to check the signal from the other photointerruptor which is for the focus lens.
I think i cause a short circuit with my test prod from the oscilloscope :/ ... the pins are very small :(

But here a few more informations for now.

Pins - Cable to the lens (without warranty)

PinLevelConnectionNumber on Pictures
1HIPhotointerruptor, zoom lens, V_cc?"6"
2LO, if something is between the sensorPhotointerruptor, zoom lens, signal"6"
3??Photointerruptor, zoom lens and focus lens, Gnd?"6" and "14"
4??motor for focus lens"13"
5??motor for focus lens"13"
6??motor for focus lens"13"
7??motor for focus lens"13"
8??Switch (Auto/Manuell), Gnd?"12"
9??Switch (Auto/Manuell), Contact Auto?"12"
10??Photointerruptor focus lens, Signal?"14"
11??Photointerruptor focus lens, V_cc?"14"
14??capacitor on bat-"10"
15??Motor zoom, position sensor, Side AConnected with "9" - "9.1" - "9.2"
16??Motor zoom, position sensor, Side AConnected with "9" - "9.1" - "9.2"
17??Motor zoom, position sensor, Side A/BConnected with "9" - "9.1" - "9.2/9.3"
18??Motor zoom, position sensor, Side BConnected with "9" - "9.1" - "9.3"
19??Motor zoom, position sensor, Side BConnected with "9" - "9.1" - "9.3"
20/21??Motor zoom, V_cc?Connected with "9.4"
22/23??Motor zoom, GND?Connected with "9.4"
24 to 41??IS LensConnected with "8"

The new error is a FocusLensMinusSideError

P-ID:3241  PAL D
Firmware Ver GM1.01A (
Adj Ver.003.012             
Serial No. 523023314968
Build: Jun  7 2012   17:17:15

Mecha Firm Ver.  3.01
MechaDSP Firm Ver.  0.00

1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 FocusLensMinusSideError
1980.01.01 00:01:27  E18 FocusLensMinusSideError
1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 FocusLensMinusSideError
1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 FocusLensMinusSideError
1980.01.01 00:00:01  E18 FocusLensMinusSideError
1980.01.01 00:00:20  E18 ZoomLensSpeedError
1980.01.01 00:00:21  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:14  E18 ZoomLensError
1980.01.01 00:00:20  E18 ZoomLensSpeedError
1980.01.01 00:00:14  E18 ZoomLensError

Here is interesting that i had sometimes a ZoomLensSpeedError. That comes up if the zoom lens get not really moved and the camera is directly shut off. What do i imagine under a ZoomLensSpeedError?

I got the 5 FocusLensMinusSideError-errors after checking with my test prod. With the new error the zoom lens is not moving. Only the shutter is opening/closing.

Here is the log

HARDWARE DEFECT!!  ShutdownReason[9] ErrorNo[18]
Occured Time  1980:01:01 00:00:07
00000130: *** Camera Log Start ***
00000150: UI:Button:0x000010C2:WriteEnableMedia
00000160: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5001:adr:0,Para:0
00000350: M:SH_OPN_S
00000360: M:SH_OPN_E
00000360: M:FC_RST_S
00001550: M:LensError.c 0x00400000
00001550: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1168:adr:0,Para:0
00001550: M:LensError.c 0x20000000
00001550: M:FC_RST_E
00001550: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x2003:adr:0x55e36c,Para:5628780
00001550: UI:DSIC:54,0
00001550: UI:HwErrPreShtDwn
00001550: SS:StopLens
00001550: M:LensError.c 0x20000000
00001550: SS:StrLens
00001550: M:TERM_S
00001550: M:SH_CLS_S
00001550: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5004:adr:0,Para:0
00001550: UI:LogicalEvent:0x1165:adr:0,Para:0
00001550: UI:_SImage
00001550: UI:SetPanelBrightnessToLcdController
00001550: UI:SetDisplayType
00001550: SS:DispChg
00001550: SS:   H-Err
00001550: UI:TurnOnDisplayForStartup
00001550: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5007:adr:0,Para:0
00001560: M:SH_CLS_E
00001560: UI:ShootSeqToUI:0x2004:adr:0x8,Para:8
00001560: M:TERM_E
00001590: SS:S-Imag
00001590: SS:SoundComp
00001590: UI:VideoDrv_InitializeUiEDmacLib
00001590: UI:Initialized WindowSystem.
00001590: UI:ScreenLock
00001590: UI:ScreenUnLock
00001590: UI:LogicalEvent:0x300a:adr:0,Para:0
00001590: UI:DispSwCon_TurnOnBackLight
00001590: UI:TurnOnBackLight
00001680: UI:MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00001680: UI:LogicalEvent:0x3138:adr:0,Para:0
00002180: UI:LogicalEvent:0x5006:adr:0,Para:0
00002470: UI:ScreenLock
00002470: UI:ScreenUnLock
00002480: UI.Create
00002490: UIFS_WriteFirmInfoToFile
00002550: UI:ScreenLock
00002550: UI:ScreenUnLock
00002580: UI:HwErrShtDwn
00002580: UI:VALDispErr
00002580: UI:TurnOnDisplay
00002580: UI:TurnOnBackLight
00002580: UI:ScreenLock
00002590: UI:Window_EmergencyRefresh
00002590: UI:Window_EmergencyRefreshPhysicalScreen
00002590: UI:Window Reduce MuteOff
00002590: UI:DispSwCon_MuteOffPhysicalScreen
00002590: UI:Window Reduce MuteOff
00002590: UI:EmergencyShutDownDisplay
00007700: UI:AC:PTM_Init
00007800: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00007800: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR
00007800: UI:DisplayPhysicalScreenCBR   

With a bit luck i only damaged the connector on the board. I'll check.

9.5 is a little gear-wheel, so the zoom motor uses a incremental rotary encoding. So could it be that some of the calibration data are for this encoding.
Perhaps this is started here

00000390: UI:AC:PTM_Init
00000400: SS:InitPTM
00000400: SS:   0058->8004
00000400: SS:   Asp 0000->0000

Or does somebody know what PTM is? As i changed the the lens in the first place the encoding data doesnt fit anymore to the motor or rather to the positon of the gear-wheel. So at the start the camera reference the worng end positions. ... I'll look up this encoding.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #16 on: 27 / September / 2013, 18:54:48 »
MechaDSP Firm Ver.  0.00
That's normal, fully functioning cameras show the same.
What do i imagine under a ZoomLensSpeedError?
The naming is kind of self-explanatory  ;)

so the zoom motor uses a incremental rotary encoding.
Are you sure it's that complicated? I have only seen much simpler circuits, that can only signal direction and pulses.

Or does somebody know what PTM is?
PropertyTableManager, it's related to camera settings and camera user interface. It has nothing to do with the low level hardware.
Watch the M: lines instead.


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #17 on: 28 / September / 2013, 05:19:23 »
    What do i imagine under a ZoomLensSpeedError?

The naming is kind of self-explanatory  ;)

Does it come up, if the speed is too fast or too slow? Can i get that information from something else?

    so the zoom motor uses a incremental rotary encoding.

Are you sure it's that complicated? I have only seen much simpler circuits, that can only signal direction and pulses.

I'll check ... but i damaged my connector ... i'll solder the one from the waterdamage board and hope that i didnt damage something else. Than i'll check the signals to get more information.


Offline ahull

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #18 on: 28 / September / 2013, 07:25:49 »
I don't suppose the error and the damaged cable could be in some way connected could they?

The way the speed detection probably works (based on similar arrangements found in printers and so forth) is like this.

There is an interrupter "flag" on one of the rotating elements, which passes through the detector elements between the led and the photo transistors. In the case of the above device there are two phototransistors, so they will switch off in the order that the flag passes them, so if we are rotating clockwise, we might see the transistors switch off in the order  a  then b, but if we are rotating anti-clockwise they would switch off b then a.

We can also determine the speed of rotation, if we zero a timer and start it counting as we rotate the motor shaft, we expect to see a pulse from the phototransistors for every rotation, and these pulses should arrive after a certain period has expired on our timer. If we allow a small margin of error, then we should see a pulses at the same rate +/- our error margin. Any pulses arriving later or earlier suggest the motor is not rotating at the correct speed, so to answer your question, the error could indicate either too fast or too slow, but typically it is too slow.

More info here (some dead links) and here.
The workings of the various image stabilisation methods are explained here.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: 28 / September / 2013, 07:41:48 by ahull »


Offline orda

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Re: Elph 110 HS / Ixus 125 Hs - Error E32
« Reply #19 on: 28 / September / 2013, 15:01:16 »
Thx you both for your help ... i have to put the camera away for some time.
With my soldering iron i dont get the connector undamaged from the board so that I can replace it. I have to ask someone at work. They have better equitment to do that.

I don't suppose the error and the damaged cable could be in some way connected could they?
I think the speed error has another reason but the FocusLensMinusSideError comes up after i damaged the connector. I tested it and one pin hasnt a connection anymore.

I'll come back .. but it will take some time. Thanks again!
Looks like a very nice community here in the forum.
« Last Edit: 28 / September / 2013, 15:04:16 by orda »


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