Hi - trying to learn AstroKam v10 package indoors, on desktop, taking images of the sky/clouds before strapping camera to telescope!!!
Seems to work fine and can get repeatable results of saving images to camera SD card BUT no images ever saved to laptop. Any advice appreciated; here are the settings I am using with my Canon A590IS, firmware v1.01b loaded with CHDK 1.4.1 Rev 4306
Pre-shooting settings ie menu options and selections made:
CHDK Menus
1. CHDK settings = reset options to default
2. Miscellaneous Stuff – Enable Lua Native Calls = ON
3. Raw (digital negative) – Save RAW = ON and DNG Format = OFF and DNG File Extension = OFF
Canon Menus
1. File Numbering = Auto Reset
2. Power Saving – Auto Power Down = OFF
3. Lens Retract = 0 sec (ie OFF)
4. Thumbwheel = M, manual mode
AstroKam Operations
1. With Canon still in CHDK Display mode, connect via USB to laptop & launch AstroKam, choose capture folder. AstroKam creates log file in capture folder.
2. AstroKam header bar message: All captures will be saved in D:\AstroKam\Data\20160624
3. Default AstroKam Menu Options: Download & Preview and RAW & Live are default highlighted – all four options left as is.
4. Select AstroKam Record mode and Live View image available, AstroKam header bar confirmation.
5. Select Scope (simulator) and AstroKam header bar confirmation.
6. Setup Sequence Options (stop capture after 2mins, exposure time = 0.01 sec, ISO = 400, take dark frames every 3 lights, take bias frames every 3 lights) and press Start Capture Of This Sequence button. Pre-Shoot Checklist pops up, press OK.
7. A DSSM073.dss filelist starts to be created in capture folder (always ends up being 1kb when shooting finishes.
8. AstroKam shows which image its taking, Lights, Darks or Bias BUT after taking the first light image then all other images will be preceded by a very fast error message in the AstroKam header bar:
ERROR TakeShot Start Index cannot be less than zero. Parameter name Start Index. (can’t do a screen dump of the AstroKam window because the error message is only flashed across the header bar extremely briefly.)
9. Preview active & function ok all the time and images are saved to SD card correctly but no image files on PC in capture folder.
10. Final header bar message is “Finished Plan”.
Any thoughts?