CHDK AstroKam Support - page 5 - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

CHDK AstroKam Support

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Offline mngc

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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #40 on: 01 / July / 2014, 15:23:53 »

I understand now what you want and I think it is achievable. openPHD allows itself to be controlled by other software and it already has a dithering function built in. It also has an automatic guide star selector. This means I could set up AstroKam to take a shot, then send a dither command and take the next shot once the dither has settled. The auto star selector would also mean that guiding would restart automatically after moving to the next target object. AstroKam would then be a deep sky capture app with automatic guiding built in. Thanks for this great idea.

Let me investigate further and see how best to achieve this.

Thank you this sounds awesome!

Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #41 on: 05 / July / 2014, 11:24:28 »
Sorry for the late response; I expected to get notifications for this thread.

Thanks guys - I will look at the code and see whether I can remove these errors. One thing that worries me is that I could end up with a version of CHDKPTPRemote.NET that works for AstroKam but is not accessible for other developers. Any thoughts on how we could avoid that and make CHDKPTPRemote.NET available to the group?

If you have a patch for it and have tested that it works, send it to me and I'll put it on github. I'll also merge the changes made by chakphanu. Unless there are more changes floating around that I'm not aware of, this should mean everything is available in one place.


Offline Davo

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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #42 on: 07 / July / 2014, 05:40:38 »
Thanks for that. I am thinking about wrapping a simple live viewer and controller around your dll and publishing it via ClickOnce. That means that anyone could test it with their camera and once it is stable I can drop it into AstroKam. It will be a while though - I am just starting to learn Android for another project.


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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #43 on: 07 / July / 2014, 14:28:54 »

I understand now what you want and I think it is achievable. openPHD allows itself to be controlled by other software and it already has a dithering function built in. It also has an automatic guide star selector. This means I could set up AstroKam to take a shot, then send a dither command and take the next shot once the dither has settled. The auto star selector would also mean that guiding would restart automatically after moving to the next target object. AstroKam would then be a deep sky capture app with automatic guiding built in. Thanks for this great idea.

Let me investigate further and see how best to achieve this.

Thank you this sounds awesome!

What should I use as the default maximum dither in pixels? AstroKam will then calculate a random dither for each axis based on this maximum.


Offline mngc

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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #44 on: 08 / July / 2014, 15:25:53 »

What should I use as the default maximum dither in pixels? AstroKam will then calculate a random dither for each axis based on this maximum.

Good question. Maximum dither depend on:

- guide camera resolution (arcsec/pixel), if dither too low, nothing happen
- guide camera field of view /vertical and horizontal/ (arcmin) if dither very high, guide star lost
- main camera resolution (arcsec/pixel)
- main camera field of view /vertical and horizontal/ (arcmin)
- main camera ccd type (DSRL cameras better than small compact cameras)
- main camera distortion (barrel, pincushion, wavy) big zoom = more problem. If error big, cannot process the frames properly to final image.

There is good software for correct distortion error called hugin, but it is not astro software and i don't know any astro software that has it. Deep sky stacker has common problem, regim better, but does not have special distortion corrections. All these software are freeware.

I think the maximum dither parameter will have to be user variable. I do not have good value for this yet. Requries lots of real sky test. I live in big city = bad sky. Astro camps are the real alternative, i go there in two weeks time. I made test shoots that show the problem, but without dither there are lots of non movable noise in the dark frames. Way worse than DSRL.

My small portable mount is homebrew modified (lx200 emulated stepper motor drive) only support right ascention guiding. So, I think it would be great to have two versions one with RA dither only an other one with full RA and DEC dither. I have acces to larger amateur full computer controllable telescopes but those are not mine.

The random dirther is a good idea. The goal would be for the area to be evenly covered. Another good mode would be the square helix line. Good value range 0.01 - 99.99 pixel. Lots of users use both methods. I guess 2 pixel would be a good default step for example. If sub pixel guiding is supported then value sould be float pointing value.


Offline Davo

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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #45 on: 10 / July / 2014, 04:27:25 »
OK, I will add separate dither settings for each axis with a default value of 2.0 pixels.

Going back to your original message

Thanks for the new build. Now astrokam working (on my SX110IS), but some problem occured. Live view not always working. If camera in playback mode, go to record mode, the first live view picture displayed, but stopped with this message:

Error could not get live image: cannot reuse Bitmap; Dimension are incorrect "hunagrian message = in place: Chdkptpremote.session.Getliveimage(boolean set_active_area, rectangle@active_area, Bitmap old_im...

The quick solution to this may be to

start astrokam
make sure liveview is turned off
connect camera
switch camera to record mode
turn on live view
leave camera in record mode during your capture session.

if camera in record mode, start astrokam live view working, but for example pressing shutter button on camea or trying to set manual focus, same error occured. I not know this bug in main camera chdk software or astrokam. Never use my camera with pc connected mode before.

You can use the Snap or Test butons in AstroKam to take Canon or CHDK exposures instead of pressing the camera's physical button. Instead of using the manual focus, do you have an infinity setting on your camera (mountains icon)? If so you can enable this in AstroKam by using the OSD display control buttons.
« Last Edit: 10 / July / 2014, 04:31:03 by Davo »


Offline mngc

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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #46 on: 20 / July / 2014, 15:54:48 »
The quick solution not work many time. Some times partially working, liveview working, but sort time after pressing astrokam buttons liveview stopped in record mode.

My camera has a mountain icon, but not useful. Autofocus lock not enabled, i can focus 50cm to infinity. With Astrokam i can set manual focus mode, but focus distance cannot set. I think, the 4 directions buttons special mode not available in Astrokam. 4 directions buttons rotate set the focus distance.

Possibly add this button mode to Astrkam or focus distance override direct support?

The snap and test button ok.

The quick solution to this may be to

start astrokam
make sure liveview is turned off
connect camera
switch camera to record mode
turn on live view
leave camera in record mode during your capture session.

You can use the Snap or Test butons in AstroKam to take Canon or CHDK exposures instead of pressing the camera's physical button. Instead of using the manual focus, do you have an infinity setting on your camera (mountains icon)? If so you can enable this in AstroKam by using the OSD display control buttons.


Offline mngc

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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #47 on: 20 / July / 2014, 16:09:47 »
Now test my a590is too. Astrokam works better this camera. Liveview ok, i can swith to playback mode, or pressing buttons on Astrokam without any problem. With Astrkoam buttons, i can select the manual focus mode, and set real infinity focus pressing right buttons may times. I will test more complex.


Offline Davo

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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #48 on: 23 / July / 2014, 05:28:02 »
Could you try your SX110IS in CHDK PTP and check whether you can set manual focus there? If so, maybe you could use CHDK PTP for focus and AstroKam for capture?


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK AstroKam Support
« Reply #49 on: 24 / July / 2014, 01:31:14 »
I don't know why this topic was locked. I've unlocked it.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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