40d00108.fir from eos40d108.exe under Linux? - Firmware Dumping - CHDK Forum

40d00108.fir from eos40d108.exe under Linux?

  • 3 Replies


40d00108.fir from eos40d108.exe under Linux?
« on: 15 / April / 2008, 12:56:02 »

Does anyone have any pointers on how I can extract the .fir file from the self-extracting .exe file from Canon under Linux?

To elaborate: I realize that the .exe is a Windows PE executable, but I don't have a Windows box here. If there's an easy way to extract the firmware from the .exe file in Linux it'd save me from having to install Windows.

Also, I have found two versions of decrypt40D.c via this forum. One version skips the first 288 bytes of the firmware and the other does not. Which one is correct? I'd really like to get involved in CHDK development for the 40D but seem to be stumped before I even get started. :-)

« Last Edit: 16 / April / 2008, 01:55:39 by ASalina »



Re: 40d00108.fir from eos40d108.exe under Linux?
« Reply #1 on: 16 / April / 2008, 12:39:15 »
Never mind. I installed WINE and used it to run eos40d108.exe.

Still, there are two versions of the 40D decrypting program, distributed as decrypt40D.zip and decrypt40D.rar. The two programs are identical except that the one from decrypt40D.rar fseeks past the first 288 bytes in the FW and begins decrypting there, and both use different decryption tables from their respective 40D_table.h files.

Does anyone know how these two different versions were derived? They can't both be correct. Neither one seems to produce output with any readable strings in them.

I intend to get IDA Pro soon and run it under WINE (if that works). I'm hoping that my experience in assembly language programming with Z80, 6809, and 68000 CPUs isn't too rusty! That was back in the early 80's, so I'll see...


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Re: 40d00108.fir from eos40d108.exe under Linux?
« Reply #2 on: 16 / April / 2008, 12:42:35 »
sorry i dont know anything about the other stuff, but one thing i do know: IDA pro runs fine under wine (check out the rhyme). but it's a resource hog already under windows, don't expect a fast workflow in linux :D
good luck with your project. though if you succeed, i have to change my signature :( ;)



Re: 40d00108.fir from eos40d108.exe under Linux?
« Reply #3 on: 16 / April / 2008, 12:49:18 »
sorry i dont know anything about the other stuff, but one thing i do know: IDA pro runs fine under wine (check out the rhyme). but it's a resource hog already under windows, don't expect a fast workflow in linux :D
good luck with your project. though if you succeed, i have to change my signature :( ;)

Thanks for the info. I was hoping not to have to set a dual boot system here. As for the slow work flow, my brain doesn't have a very fast work flow on some days so the two should remain in synch at least some of the time!


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