I have a PowerShot A3000IS camera and installed the latest CHDK builds 1.4.1 using the STICK utility; which automatically configures the SD card with two partitions (a small FAT16 and a larger FAT32) since my camera was released before 2011.
So far .. so good.
I downloaded and copied the kap_uav.lua script into the \CHDK\SCRIPTS folder as described here.
The script needs to be stored in the /CHDK/SCRIPTS of the
larger FAT32 partition - did you do that? I'm assuming so as if you somehow managed to boot and run from the smaller partition the script would not be there.
After that, I went to the CHDK Miscellaneous menu and enable Lua Native Calls. However, I still get an error loading module '/gen/cnf_core' when I try to run/activate the kap_uav.lua script (see attached picture).
But if you did somehow manage to boot and run from the smaller partition without a switch to the larger partition then the
/gen/cnf_core file would make sense.
Has anyone resolved this issue? Is the kap_uav.lua script compatible with cameras released before 2011; which usually are configured with two partitions?
FWIW, this is not an issue with the script itself. The script has been downloaded over 4500 times and used on a lot of Powershots - including several of mine released prior to 2011 with dual partition cards.
It looks like you've somehow ended up with an SD card missing critical files on the large partition. Either that or an SD card that boots from the small partition and fails to switch to the larger partition.
Before I speculate further, I'll wait for
@reyalp to point out the obvious thing we are missing here