KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script - page 36 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script

  • 1068 Replies
Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #350 on: 22 / March / 2015, 15:57:13 »
Thanks a lot for your feedback, if it will be possible to implement hook_shutter() function on the KAP script I will test it during several flights.

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #351 on: 22 / March / 2015, 16:13:20 »
Thanks a lot for your feedback, if it will be possible to implement hook_shutter() function on the KAP script I will test it during several flights.
I've added it to the v3.4 release that I've been working on.   There are several other changes in there that have not had any testing.  I'll do some unit testing of each of the changes and then ask you to give it a try?  There are a few other script users who might also be willing to give the changes a whirl.   That should be the last version before CHDK 1.4.0 becomes the "stable" release and I can upgrade the script to use the new functionality that brings.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #352 on: 22 / March / 2015, 16:34:49 »
Okay - found the problem.  Not really sure why it's camera specific but adding a short delay after releasing the shutter button when halting video cures the problem.

Test script here :  xkap_uav.lua

This seems to have solved the problem, many thanks!

As a small aside, the script now returns to taking still frames once the camera has finished shooting the video, I have turned the flash to 'off' initially but when the video finishes the flashmode seems to revert to 'auto'? I thought about changing the flashmode each time using the lua script but I can see a 'get_flash_mode' function but no obvious 'set_flash_mode' option? Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks again for the help,


Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #353 on: 22 / March / 2015, 16:42:01 »
Thanks a lot for your feedback, if it will be possible to implement hook_shutter() function on the KAP script I will test it during several flights.
I've added it to the v3.4 release that I've been working on.   There are several other changes in there that have not had any testing.  I'll do some unit testing of each of the changes and then ask you to give it a try?  There are a few other script users who might also be willing to give the changes a whirl.   That should be the last version before CHDK 1.4.0 becomes the "stable" release and I can upgrade the script to use the new functionality that brings.

Perfect, please let me know when it's available and I will try it.

Thank you.

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #354 on: 22 / March / 2015, 16:47:19 »
As a small aside, the script now returns to taking still frames once the camera has finished shooting the video, I have turned the flash to 'off' initially but when the video finishes the flashmode seems to revert to 'auto'? I thought about changing the flashmode each time using the lua script but I can see a 'get_flash_mode' function but no obvious 'set_flash_mode' option? Am I missing something obvious?
One of the (many) things the script does at startup is disable the flash and the AF assist beam.  The code looks like this:
Code: [Select]
        set_prop(props.FLASH_MODE, 2)     -- flash off
        set_prop(props.AF_ASSIST_BEAM,0)  -- AF assist off if supported for this camera

Apparently the flash mode resets when you exit video recording.  I have to reset the "focus at infinity" mode when recording ends,  I can add flash disable too.

Thanks for point that out.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #355 on: 28 / March / 2015, 19:35:45 »
Script updated to v3.4 at the usual download link.

Changes include :
  • Set focus at infinity now uses the CHDK 1.3.0 functions so setup is just a yes/no in the script paramters
  • Shot timestamp now has a 10mSec resolution and is sync'd to the actual shutter opening
  • Logging is now buffered and written every 60 seconds (and when buffer > 16K) to avoid SD card write pauses from too many small writes
  • option to stop script after an elapsed time added
  • high speed USB timer mode added for better PWM interface operation
  • several small bugs with video interleave fixed
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #356 on: 09 / April / 2015, 07:48:44 »
tried to use the 3.4a script on my IXUS970.
It doesn't work. (CHDK 4138)
The old script 1.6 works well.

Checked also on IXUS130. The KAP_UAV 3.4a works great.(1.6 also)

I can start the script, one Photo is taken (and stored), then nothing else happens.
I can leave the script with the playback key but i can not contol the camera as usual.
After restart I always can reproduce that.

Focus@Infinity doen't change the problem.
IXUS 970 IS 100b

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #357 on: 09 / April / 2015, 08:39:24 »
tried to use the 3.4a script on my IXUS970.  It doesn't work. (CHDK 4138)
There have been almost 100 downloads for 3.4a.  This is the first problem report.

Checked also on IXUS130. The KAP_UAV 3.4a works great.(1.6 also)
So to be very clear, does this mean there is no problem when using the script on your IXUS130? 

There are only problems with the IXUS970?

I can start the script, one photo is taken (and stored), then nothing else happens.
Hmmm ... I'll need to know a little more about what "nothing else happens" means.

Please enable logging to both the SD card and screen.  Rerun your test and then post the resulting KAP.log script from the top (root) directory of your SD card as an attachment here.   Also please write down the last three things shown on the console log on the LCD screen and post them here.

See note below about the correct way to halt the script (so that the log file is correctly written to the SD card.)

I can leave the script with the playback key but i can not contol the camera as usual. After restart I always can reproduce that.
The 3.4 version of the script should only halt when you press the MENU key.  All other keys should be locked out - including the shutter button and Playback key.   It's possible that there is a problem with the CHDK port for the IXUS 970 where this does not work properly.

Please confirm that you can stop the script when it "hangs" by using the MENU key?

Focus@Infinity doen't change the problem.
Good to know - thanks.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #358 on: 09 / April / 2015, 10:18:39 »
tried to use the 3.4a script on my IXUS970.  It doesn't work. (CHDK 4138)
There have been almost 100 downloads for 3.4a.  This is the first problem report.
Sorry for that.

There are only problems with the IXUS970?

Hmmm ... I'll need to know a little more about what "nothing else happens" means.
1. Load Script.
2. In Alt-Mode press shoot -> Script starts, four lines of Results appear, one photo is taken and reviewed.
3. the camera seems to be frozen.
4. menu button pressed, screen stays with the already taken picture (and nothing else). Nothing else happens. (like frozen)
5. Review button pressed: immediatly i can see the four result-lines and the next photo is taken.
   but from now on there is nothing going on automatic.
   Sometimes the result lines are a little bit dearranged and show: shot in auto mode, meter reading invalid.
6. when I press print-button(Alt-key) the result lines disappear. (but the photo is still on the screen and
   nothing else)
   I cannot go back in Alt-mode
   pressing review button reboots the camera.
... and post them here.

Please confirm that you can stop the script when it "hangs" by using the MENU key?
No, for the moment I can't confirm.

I will try to make a fresh copy of CHDK and the script in the evening.


IXUS 970 IS 100b

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #359 on: 09 / April / 2015, 11:46:33 »
Sorry for that.
No apology necessary - it's always good to get feedback early of problems. I was just trying to point out that it was probably something specific to your situation rather than a general problem.

There are only problems with the IXUS970?
Thanks - that's good to know.

1. Load Script.
2. In Alt-Mode press shoot -> Script starts, four lines of Results appear, one photo is taken and reviewed.
3. the camera seems to be frozen.
4. menu button pressed, screen stays with the already taken picture (and nothing else). Nothing else happens. (like frozen)
5. Review button pressed: immediatly i can see the four result-lines and the next photo is taken.
   but from now on there is nothing going on automatic.
   Sometimes the result lines are a little bit dearranged and show: shot in auto mode, meter reading invalid.
6. when I press print-button(Alt-key) the result lines disappear. (but the photo is still on the screen and
   nothing else)
   I cannot go back in Alt-mode
   pressing review button reboots the camera.
Based on this description and the photo you posted,  I think that I know what might be happening. 

When the script tries to take a shot,  it simulates a "half press" on the shutter button in order to read the current exposure values.  If the camera is unable to set the exposure or unable to focus then the script just hangs there waiting for the camera to finish doing that.  There is a timeout built-into the script but that takes quite a while to activate.   So it looks like the script is "hung" or "stuck" when in fact it is just waiting for an exposure reading to finish.

This situation seems to happen when there is not enough light to take a good image.  This is normally never a problem when shooting outdoors but might be when testing the script at your desk in the evening.  ;)

When this happens,  if you just leave the camera alone it should eventually take a shot and then display a message similar to the one in the image you posted.  Typically it will then be behind in time for the next shot,  so it will immediately try to take the next shot.  Which will also hang if there is not enough light.  The cycle repeats and the script appears to be "broken".

Does this seem like what you might be seeing?  Point the camera out a window in the day time and I suspect you will no longer see the problem.   I'll see if I can improve how the script reacts in this situation.

I will try to make a fresh copy of CHDK and the script in the evening.
It will not hurt to try this but I don't think there is anything wrong with your CHDK installation or how the script is installed.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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