KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script - page 45 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script

  • 1068 Replies
Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #440 on: 06 / June / 2015, 10:12:49 »
Sorry! I made a mistake in my previous test. When I power cycled the camera, I forgot to switch off the KAP script. So theecond image is also taken with the script running!
I thought something like that must have happened.  Thanks for checking.

Also, from the log files it appears you are no longer running the test version of the script that I posted ?

Latest download link > kap_uav.lua 3.6 beta 3

Here are the two images (one with script running and then switched off the camera, turned off the script by making the SD card RW and then using the P mode of the camera to take the picture):  The images look pretty identical..
Different exposures though ...
CHDK : IMG 5456 : 1/1500s ƒ/8 ISO100
Canon: IMG 5457 : 1/1250s ƒ/8 ISO500

I'd suggest that for KAP, UAVs, or just normal shooting,  CHDK made a better choice than Canon!

We still have not found the original issue.  In these two shots,  both Canon & CHDK left the ND filter engaged (reported as an f8 aperture setting).   Your original problem came when CHDK did not want the ND filter and Canon did.  That's only going to happen over a limited range of brightness - on either side of that both programs will pick the same ND filter position and we won't see an issue.

Edit : looking at the exposure settings again,  its clear that the CHDK setting (despite the exif info) have the ND filter out and the Canon settings have it in.  So I think that with the camera in P mode, things are working.

I'll try testing on my ixus120 today instead of my A1200.  Maybe I can simulate the problem that way.

I have also uploaded the log.
The image information is missing again - likely due to the script being unable to open the log file while it is exiting.  Maybe it's because the previous image is still being saved - especially if you have RAW enabled.  Can you wait an additional 5 seconds next time before and after exiting the script?   Meanwhile, I've updated the test script with code that should prevent that.

Update : I can reproduce the problem on my ixus120(sd940) if I pick a fixed ISO value in the Canon menu (not Auto).  This may be a problem on some cameras and not others : CHDK ISO override.
« Last Edit: 06 / June / 2015, 15:41:58 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #441 on: 08 / June / 2015, 07:57:49 »

Yes, I was indeed using the regular KAP script. I was able to run some tests today with your latest test script. Here are the results:


I did wait 5 seconds after stopping the script to see if the error would occur and it did not.

On a side note:

Yesterday, I had let the regular KAP script run for sometime and when I checked it in the middle of recording a video (I think), it was showing me this error:


I have attached the two log files for you to review. Let me know what you find.

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #442 on: 08 / June / 2015, 08:27:16 »
I have attached the two log files for you to review. Let me know what you find.
The second attached file ( LOG_0002.TXT ) is from the test script.  I you have a log file from after the issues with video mode?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #443 on: 08 / June / 2015, 09:28:38 »
When the video recording error occurred, I was using regular KAP script. I did attach the KAP log also with my previous post. Here is it again. Are you looking for a different log file? I did not find any other log file either in the root folder of SD card (I did find this KAP.log in the root folder which I have attached) or in the logs folder.

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #444 on: 08 / June / 2015, 11:36:39 »
Are you looking for a different log file?
My mistake - the log messages related to video recording are in the log you posted.  I just did not look far enough back.

What seems to be happening is the script is not waiting long enough for the camera to actually complete writing the video file to the SD card.  I'm not sure right now what to do about that.  I could insert a really long delay after you leave video recording mode to give the camera time to complete saving the video to the SD card.  But that will slow the script down a lot if the extra delay time is not actually needed.

I'll see if I can find a way to determine when writing to the SD card has completed.  Maybe looping until the script can open the log file also indicates that the write operations for the video file have completed?

Meanwhile,  the new set of images you posted earlier look good of course.  Perhaps we can mark this 'solved' if you have the camera in P mode - I've updated the wiki documentation to include a camera setup section that says this.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #445 on: 09 / June / 2015, 05:09:01 »
I agree that this problem is solved. Appreciate your help through this!

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #446 on: 09 / June / 2015, 17:03:55 »
Hopefully last question. Should I use the beta version of the script or the regular version? I am assuming that you felt that the problem is solved in the beta version. Am I right?

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #447 on: 09 / June / 2015, 18:20:45 »
Hopefully last question. Should I use the beta version of the script or the regular version? I am assuming that you felt that the problem is solved in the beta version. Am I right?
The "fix" is to run the camera in P mode (along with the other settings mentioned here.  So either version of the script will work for you.

The beta version tried to improve the logging.  I'll encorporate those changes into the next release. I'm still adding a change so that you don't get those warning messages about the log file failing to write after video recording finishes.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #448 on: 11 / June / 2015, 14:31:04 »
I'm trying to figure out how to use shutter release using a TX / Receiver and what settings I need / what they mean??

In the KAP Script menu near the bottom there's USB Shot Control and the options toggle between none, On/Off, OneShot, and PWM, I'm guessing this needs to be enabled but I wouldn't know which setting to select and is I need a 3 position switch and if so whether the 1st click would focus it and the 2nd take the shot???

I also tried to put the Shot Interval down to 0 but the lowest it'll go is 2 seconds, will it still continue taking shots of it's own accord or is there another way I can switch that off to use a manual trigger rather than the intervalometer??

I also found in the Main CHDK menu, CHDK Settings, Remote Parameters and the 3 further headings

Remote enable ... I'm guessing I need to enable this??

Switch type ... Options ... None, OnePush, TwoPush, CA-1  I'm not sure what these mean and if I should do anything with them????

Control Mode ... Options ... None, Normal, Quick, Burst, Bracket, Zoom .... again I've no idea what these are and if I need any of them ???

Also can I use the zoom with this and again any idea how to set it up??

Any help would be much appreciated!!!!

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #449 on: 11 / June / 2015, 14:56:15 »
I'm trying to figure out how to use shutter release using a TX / Receiver and what settings I need / what they mean?? In the KAP Script menu near the bottom there's USB Shot Control and the options toggle between none, On/Off, OneShot, and PWM, I'm guessing this needs to be enabled.
As is happens, somebody wrote a little bit of documentation for the script.  The section about Parameter Setup covers much of what you are looking for.

I wouldn't know which setting to select and is I need a 3 position switch and if so whether the 1st click would focus it and the 2nd take the shot???
There are several ways to set things up but the default is for the script to manage the complete shot when the USB 5V pin goes to 5V.

I also tried to put the Shot Interval down to 0 but the lowest it'll go is 2 seconds, will it still continue taking shots of it's own accord or is there another way I can switch that off to use a manual trigger rather than the intervalometer??
The shot interval will not go lower than 2 seconds because for the most part, Canon Powershots cannot complete a shooting cycle any faster without using the camera's continuous mode.   And using continuous mode has its own complications, although I have considered adding it as a script option.

However, if you enable the USB controller OneShot or PWM modes then the timer is ignored,  so setting USB Shot Control [ OneShot ] will do what you want.

I also found in the Main CHDK menu, CHDK Settings, Remote Parameters and the 3 further headings
Remote enable ... I'm guessing I need to enable this?? Switch type ... Options ... None, OnePush, TwoPush, CA-1  I'm not sure what these mean and if I should do anything with them????  Control Mode ... Options ... None, Normal, Quick, Burst, Bracket, Zoom .... again I've no idea what these are and if I need any of them ???
All of those options are essentially only for shooting via a USB remote switch when you are not using a script.  The kap_uav.lua script ignores them so it makes no difference how they are setup (although Enable Sync [ ] should probably not be enabled).

Also can I use the zoom with this and again any idea how to set it up??
The script will let you set a fixed zoom position to use when shooting.  If you want to be able to zoom in and out then you need USB Shot Control [ PWM ] and a suitable flight controller like a pixhawk than can send pulse width modulated signals.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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