From the exif, it looks like the focus mode is set to auto. You would probably be better off focusing at infinity. With the sort of camera, infinity should be fine for the kind of altitude you are shooting from.
Since your camera has MF, you should be able to just set it to MF mode and adjust the focus before flight. There might be a way to do this from script, but it varies a lot by camera so a manual test is likely to be more reliable. It looks like the camera is in full auto mode, you may need to switch the camera to P mode to turn off autofocus.
I'm not sure if all of your problem focus, there could well be some motion blur from vibration in there too, but
exiftool -a -u -g1 -h IMG_0181.JPG > IMG_0181.HTML
Focus Distance Upper 0.78 m
which I think indicates that it was trying to focus quite close. If I set my D10 to infinity in MF mode, I get
Focus Distance Upper 15.69 m
Focus Distance Lower 0 m
The exposure was 1/1000th which should be pretty good for keeping motion blur down with wide angle shots like that.